Note that in Equation 5.1 it is implicitly assumed that all memory effects (see section 9.2) can be neglected or have been removed.
The instrumental gain is split into several orthogonal components:
accounts for time variations in the detectors response
at the time of observation but is assumed constant within the observation.
This correction brings the measurement to a standard time determined
by the Cal-G 41. The correction is calculated from observations of
the internal grating calibrator. Traditionally these observations are called
`photometric checks'.
corrects for the response of an individual detector
relative to the average of the detectors. This gain brings the
response of all the detectors (within a band) to that of one
average detector. The flat-field coefficients are found in the
Cal-G 43. The Fabry-Pérots do not have any flat-fielding values
applied since they are single detectors and not in blocks.
corrects for the response of a detector at wavelength
(anywhere within the band) relative to the response of that detector at
an optimum system response wavelength of the band. The gain factor,
, is called the Relative Spectral Response Function (RSRF).
The Relative Spectral Response Function characterises the wavelength
dependent response of SWS. The wavelength range of the grating section
of the ISO-SWS is covered in 15 overlapping spectral bands. Each of
these channels, sometimes also referred to as AOT-bands, are
characterised by a unique combination of the instrument aperture, the
grating order, the detectors used and a set of order selection filters
in the light path. Therefore every detector has a different RSRF in
every band. In each band, a block of 12 detectors is used. Thus, the
complete RSRF behaviour of the SWS grating section is characterised by
RSRF functions. The RSRF functions are retained in
calibration files Cal-G 25_xx.
In each of the 10 independent SWS gratings and 5 independent SWS
Fabry-Pérot (FP) bands a wavelength and a bandpass have been
chosen where the RSRF is at its maximum, and
where the spectra of the calibration standards are featureless. These
so-called `key wavelengths' (listed in Table 5.3)
were used for determining the scaling constants between signal
(V/s) to flux density (Jy). The grating calibration made use of
SWS06 observations of astronomical standards centred at these `key
wavelengths' over the corresponding passbands.
is the conversion factor from corrected signal in
V/s to
flux density units in Jy. These numbers are retained in calibration
file Cal-G 42.
For the Fabry-Pérot mode, sources considered to be continuum in their emission at the FP key wavelengths were observed. They are listed in Morris 1999, [30].
Following Equation 5.1 the actual source flux
is reconstructed by first subtracting the dark current from
the measured slopes, and subsequently applying the instrumental gain and
the flux conversion to convert the signal within the band to flux
in Jy.