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- 1
- Beintema D.A. & Kunze D. 1996 SWS AOT design
description, SWS Internal Report issued 24 June 1996 (see SWS
documentation under:
- 2
- Cohen M., Walker R.G., Barlow M.J. & Deacon J.R.
1992a, Spectral irradiance calibration in the infrared. I - Ground-based
and IRAS broadband calibrations, AJ 104, 1650
- 3
- Cohen M., Walker R.G. & Witteborn F.C. 1992b,
Spectral irradiance calibration in the infrared. II -
Tau and
the recalibration of the IRAS low resolution spectrometer, AJ 104, 2030
- 4
- Decin L. 2000, Ph.D. Thesis, Katholieke
Universiteit Leuven, Belgium
- 5
- Decin L., Waelkens C., Eriksson K., Gustaffson B.,
Plez B., Sauval A.J., van Assche W. & Vandenbussche B. 2000,
ISO impact on stellar models and viceversa,
in `ISO Beyond the Peaks: The 2nd ISO Workshop on Analytical Spectroscopy'.
Eds. A. Salama, M.F. Kessler, K. Leech & B. Schulz, ESA-SP 456, 289
- 6
- Feuchtgruber H. 1998a, Status of SWS
Fabry-Pérot wavelength calibration and instrumental profile, IDC
Internal Report issued 5 May 1998 (see SWS documentation under
- 7
- Feuchtgruber H. 1998b, Status of study of AOT02
line profiles and fluxes on NGC6543, IDC Internal Report issued 2 June
1998 (see SWS documentation under
- 8
- Feuchtgruber H. 1998c, Status of study on Gam-Dra
fluxes and related pointing errors, IDC internal Report issued 10 June
1998 (see SWS documentation under
- 9
- Feuchtgruber H. 2001, The
ground-based calibration of SWS, in `The Calibration Legacy of the ISO
Mission'. Eds. L. Metcalfe & M.F. Kessler, ESA-SP 481 (in press).
- 10
- Fouks B.I. & Schubert J. 1995, Precise
theoretical description of photoresponse for detectors of ISOPHOT's Si:Ga
array, SPIE 2475, 487
- 11
- García-Lario P., Coulais A., Kester D. & Caux E.
2001, Transients Working Group Final Report, IDC Report,
SAI/2000-057/Dc, Version 0.7
- 12
- Gustafsson B., Bell R.A., Eriksson K. &
Nordlund A. 1975, A grid of model atmospheres for metal-deficient
giant stars. I, A&A 42, 407
- 13
- Heras A.M. 1997, Single detector signal jumps,
IDC Internal Report issued 9 June 1997 (see SWS documentation under
- 14
- Heras A.M. 1998, The effects of the pointing
jitter on SWS observations, IDC Internal Report issued 6 August 1998 (see
SWS documentation under
- 15
- Heras A.M., Wieprecht E., Feuchtgruber H. et al.
2000, The ISO-SWS detectors: Performance trends and space radiation
effects, ExA 10, 177
- 16
- ISO Launch and Early Orbit Phase & Satellite
Commissioning Phase Report, D/TOS-ISO-LEOP/SCP/JF, Issue 1, 31
October 1997.
- 17
Kessler M.F., Müller T.G., Leech K. et al. 2002 The
ISO Handbook: Volume I, ISO - Mission & Satellite Overview,
ESA SP-1262, SAI/2000-035/Dc, Version 2.0
- 18
- Kester D., Beintema D.A. & Valentijn E. 1998, End-of-Mission Report: Wavelength Calibration Status, SWS Internal
Report issued 2 July 1998 (see SWS documentation under
- 19
- Kester D. 1999, Straight lines, in
`Maximum Entropy and Bayesian Methods'. Eds. W. van der Linden et al.
(Kluwer Acad. Pub.) p. 179
- 20
- Kester D. 2000, Improving the SWS spectrum of
Titan. Correcting for the reset pulse aftermath, in `ISO Beyond the Peaks:
The 2nd ISO Workshop on Analytical Spectroscopy'. Eds. A. Salama,
M.F. Kessler, K. Leech & B. Schulz, ESA-SP 456, 275
- 21
- Kester D., Beintema D.A. & Lutz D. 2001, SWS fringes and models, in `The Calibration Legacy of the ISO Mission'.
Eds. L. Metcalfe & M.F. Kessler, ESA SP-481 (in press)
- 22
- Kester D. 2001, Memory effects and their
correction in SWS SI:GA detectors, in `The Calibration Legacy of the ISO
Mission'. Eds. L. Metcalfe & M.F. Kessler, ESA SP-481 (in press)
- 23
- Lahuis F. 1998, Pulse shape correction,
SWS Internal Report issued 11 March 1998 (see SWS documentation under
- 24
- Lahuis F., Kester D. & Shipman R. 2001, Deglitching of SWS low resolution data, in `The Calibration Legacy of the
ISO Mission'. Eds. L. Metcalfe & M.F. Kessler, ESA SP-481 (in press)
- 25
- Lahuis F., Feuchtgruber H., Golstein H.,
Kester D., Luinge W. & Wieprecht E. 2001, SWS Signal
capture: from flux to signal, in `The calibration Legacy of the ISO
Mission'. Eds. L. Metcalfe & M.F. Kessler, ESA SP-481 (in press)
- 26
- Leech K.J. & Heras A.M. 1997, Effects seen in
data induced by incorrect target coordinates or crowded fields, IDC
Internal Report issued 12 June 1997 (see SWS documentation under
- 27
- Leech K.J. & Morris P. 1997, Possible detector
memory effects in SWS grating range spectra (AOT 6) due to SWS reference
scans, IDC Internal Report issued 27 May 1997 (see SWS documentation
- 28
- Lorente R. 1998, Spectral resolution of SWS
AOT 1, IDC Internal Report issued 30 September 1998 (see SWS documentation
- 29
- Lutz D., Feuchtgruber H. & Morfill J. 2000, ISO-SWS grating resolution and instrumental profile as measured by the full
resolution modes SWS02 and SWS06, SWS Internal Report issued 18 February
2000 (see SWS documentation under
- 30
- Morris P. 1999, SWS photometric calibrations at
End of Mission. I., IDC Internal Report issued 15 January 1999 (see
SWS documentation under
- 31
- Plez B., Brett J.M., & Nordlund A. 1992, Spherical opacity sampling model atmospheres for M-giants. I -
Techniques, data and discussion, A&A 256, 551.
- 32
- Salama A. 1998, SWS beam profiles and ISO pointing,
SWS Internal Report issued 9 September 1998 (see SWS documentation under
- 33
- Salama A., Beintema D.A., Lloyd C. et al. 2001,
Beam Profile and Pointing
Working Group Final Report, IDC Report, SAI/2001-027/Dc, Version 1.0
- 34
- Saxton R.D. 2000, ISO Data Products Document (IDPD),
SAI/94-1266/Dc, Issue 12
- 35
- Shipman R.F., Morris P., Beintema D.A. et al. 2001,
it SWS in-flight calibration, in `The Calibration Legacy of the ISO
Mission'. Eds. L. Metcalfe & M.F. Kessler, ESA SP-481 (in press)
- 36
- Späth H. 1995, One dimensional spline
interpolation algorithms (A.K. Peters, Ltd, Wellesley, USA)
ISBN: 1-56881-016-4
- 37
- Valentijn E., Feuchtgruber H., Kester D. et al.
1996, The wavelength calibration and resolution of the Short
Wavelength Spectrometer, A&A 315, L60
- 38
- Valentijn E. & Thi W.F. 2000, ISO's Short
Wavelength Spectrometer - Ultimate sensitivity. Reducing the
effects of cosmic weather, ExA 10, 215.
- 39
- Vandenbussche B. 1998, The SWS Z-beam-profile
for SSO tracking correction, SWS Internal Report issued 11 June 1998
(see SWS documentation under
- 40
- Vandenbussche B. 1999, The ISO-SWS Relative Spectral
Response Calibration, SWS Internal Report issued 29 October 1999 (see
SWS documentation under
- 41
- Vandenbussche B., Morris P., Valentijn E. et al.
2001, The relative spectral response calibration of the ISO-SWS, in
`The Calibration Legacy of the ISO Mission'. Eds. L. Metcalfe & M.F.
Kessler, ESA SP-481 (in press)
- 42
- van Malderen R. et al. 2002, Modeling band 3 of the ISO-SWS calibration sources (to be published
in A&A)
- 43
- Wieprecht E., Wiezorrek E. & Haser L. 2000,
SWS-detector glitch effect correction, ExA 10, 199
ISO Handbook Volume V (SWS), Version 2.0.1, SAI/2000-008/Dc