In this document we present information on:
For guidance we present a brief description of the contents of the subsequent chapters:
Chapter 2: Instrument Description
This chapter contains a technical description of the ISOPHOT instrument in the light of data collection. The detector - electronics chain is described in detail as this determines the format of the raw data. Additional sections describe the features of optical/calibration systems like chopper, internal reference sources (FCSs), etc.
Chapter 3: Instrument Modes and Astronomical Observation Templates (AOT)
This chapter describes the individual instrument modes and all observing templates, including the operational steps performed by the AOTs during observations.
Chapter 4: Instrumental Characteristics
This chapter describes the known instrumental features and how these can affect the (raw) data. It is recommended to consider this chapter to become aware of the possible instrumental effects before an in-depth astronomical interpretation of the data is carried out.
Chapter 5: Photometric Calibration
This chapter gives the detailed overview of the photometric calibration of ISOPHOT, including also strategies and calibration files.
Chapters 6, 7, 8: Data Processing
The standard data-processing performed by the ISO Data Centre is referred to as Off-Line Processing (OLP). The OLP data processing is sub-divided into three processing levels which are described in detail in these 3 chapters. An overview of the development of the ISOPHOT pipeline can be found in Richards et al. 2001, [46].
Chapter 9: Photometric Calibration Accuracies
The best estimates of the photometric accuracies of the OLP products are presented in this chapter. For each ISOPHOT observing mode the status of the scientific validation is given.
Chapter 10: Caveats
This chapter describes current or final limitations in the documentation, processing and calibration. The observer should have read this chapter before drawing scientific conclusions from the ISOPHOT OLP data products.
Chapter 11: Getting started
In this chapter hints are given how to become familiar with the OLP data. Suggestions for further processing are included.
Chapter 12: Guide to Data Products
This chapter gives an overview of the ISOPHOT data products listed per processing level or per AOT. For each product, references to relevant descriptional sections elsewhere in this manual are given.
Chapter 13: Product descriptions
The descriptions of the ISOPHOT data products directly related to an AOT can be found in this chapter.
Chapter 14: Calibration-G Products
Detailed descriptions of the ISOPHOT general calibration files (or `Cal-G' files) can be found in this chapter.
In the Appendices the following is presented:
Appendix A: Instrument Tables
Description and characterisation of the filters, apertures, and polarisers are given as well as their positions on the instrument change wheels.
Appendix B: Conversion Algorithms for ERD
This appendix gives details on conversion algorithms necessary to
convert sensor readouts in the telemetry information to parameters
with standard physical units like temperature in , chopper amplitudes
, internal reference sources' heating powers in
, etc.
Appendix C: Colour Correction
Formulae are presented to derive colour corrections assuming different (modified) blackbody and power-law spectral energy distributions. These relations are used to construct the colour correction (Cal-G) products. Tables with colour correction factors for different spectral energy distributions are given.
Appendix D: Magnitude System in ISOPHOT
The zero magnitude flux densities of the ISOPHOT filters are listed.
Appendix F: Symbols
Lists the roman and greek symbols defined in this document.
Appendix E: Acronyms
This appendix gives a compilation of acronyms used in this document.
Appendix G: Glossary
This appendix gives a glossary of frequently used terms.