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D. Magnitude System in ISOPHOT

The zero magnitude of a given ISOPHOT filter is defined as the signal of the `ideal' (i.e. model) Vega which would have been measured in that filter with an infinitely large aperture.

The ideal spectrum of Vega was derived from a Kurucz model with $T_{eff}$ = 9400 K , log($g$) = 3.900, metal poor, $V_{turb}=$ 0.0 kms$^{-1}$ and no infrared excess due to circumstellar dust, extended to 300 $\mu $m and absolutely calibrated as described by Cohen et al. 1992, [6], and Walker & Cohen 1992, [55].

The magnitude $m_{filter}$ can be obtained from the PHT auto analysis data product by applying the relation:

m_{filter} = -2.5~{\rm log}\,
\lbrack \frac{F_{\nu}(measured)}{F_{\nu,0}}\rbrack~~,
\end{displaymath} (D.1)

where $F_{\nu}(measured)$ is the AAR flux density. The values for $F_{\nu,0}$ with filter identifier and reference wavelength ${\lambda}_{ref}$ are listed in Table D.1.

For completeness, we have included in Table D.1 the corresponding powers on the detector $P_0({\lambda}_{ref})$, the ideal Vega flux density at the reference wavelength $F_{\nu}({\lambda}_{ref})$, and the colour correction $k$.

$P_0({\lambda}_{ref})$ can be applied to the SPD products, thereby taking into account the point spread function correction, see Equations 5.8 and 5.9. The values of $k$ are very close to the ones which have been derived for a 10000 K blackbody, see Table C.2.

Table D.1: Zero magnitude flux densities of ISOPHOT filter bands.
filter ${\lambda}_{ref}$ $P_0({\lambda}_{ref})$ $F_{\nu,0}({\lambda}_{ref})$ $F_{\nu}({\lambda}_{ref})$ $k$
ID [$\mu $m] [W] [Jy] [Jy] [  ]
P_3.29 3.3 4.60E$-$13 312.0 318.2 0.981
P_3.6 3.6 2.15E$-$12 284.7 270.9 1.051
P_4.85 4.8 1.24E$-$12 163.2 152.1 1.072
P_7.3 7.3 1.01E$-$12 79.96 71.09 1.125
P_7.7 7.7 1.61E$-$13 65.14 64.23 1.014
P_10 10 1.77E$-$13 39.40 38.60 1.021
P_11.3 11.3 3.94E$-$14 29.96 30.40 0.985
P_12.8 12.8 5.71E$-$13 35.47 26.97 1.315
P_16 15 1.26E$-$13 24.21 23.79 1.018
P_11.5 12 5.46E$-$14 17.25 17.40 0.991
P_20 20 5.17E$-$14 9.940 9.840 1.010
P_25 25 3.47E$-$14 8.109 6.307 1.286
P_60 60 7.29E$-$16 1.233 1.087 1.135
P_100 100 3.55E$-$16 0.4068 0.3866 1.052
C_50 65 5.76E$-$16 1.197 0.9245 1.295
C_60 60 7.60E$-$16 1.153 1.087 1.061
C_70 80 5.22E$-$16 0.7489 0.6075 1.233
C_90 90 8.45E$-$16 0.5597 0.4787 1.169
C_100 100 4.03E$-$16 0.4261 0.3866 1.102
C_105 105 2.25E$-$16 0.3683 0.3503 1.052
C_120 120 1.15E$-$16 0.3253 0.2672 1.217
C_135 150 1.32E$-$16 0.1862 0.1698 1.096
C_160 170 1.60E$-$16 0.1587 0.1316 1.205
C_180 180 6.92E$-$17 0.1288 0.1172 1.099
C_200 200 2.27E$-$17 0.0972 0.0945 1.028

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ISO Handbook Volume IV (PHT), Version 2.0.1, SAI/1999-069/Dc