AAR auto-analysis results AD analogue to digital ADD architectural design document AOCS attitude and orbit control system AOT astronomical observation template APART Arizona's Program for the Analysis of Radiation Transfer APH aperture pointing history CCSH continuous compact status history CFOV centre field of view CHW change wheel CMOS complementary metal-oxide semiconductor CRE cold readout electronics CSH compact status history C1 or C100 C100 detector array C2 or C200 C200 detector array DIE detector interface electronics DN digitised numbers DR destructive readout DUM data users manual EEU external electronic unit EOH executed observation history ERD edited raw data FCS fine calibration source FIR far-infrared FITS flexible image transfer system FL first look flpht first look tool for PHT FOV field of view FPC focal plane chopper FPG focal plane geometry FPU focal plane unit FWHM full width at half maximum HTML hyper-text mark-up language ID identifier IDA ISO Data Archive IDPD ISO data product document IDUM ISOPHOT data users manual IR infrared IRAS Infrared Astronomical Satellite IRPH instrument reference pointing history ISDM ISO satellite and data manual ITK instrument time key (=sec) LSB least significant bit MSB most significant bit MUX multiplexer NDR non-destructive readout OBDH on-board data handling OLP off-line processing OPF on-position flag OTF on-target flag PAH polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons PGA proposal generation aids PHT ISOPHOT PV performance verification P1 P1 detector P2 P2 detector P3 P3 detector RI reset interval ROT readout timing RPID raster point identification RPQ raster point quaternion SED spectral energy distribution S&H sample and hold SL or S1 long wavelength part of PHT-S SPD standard processed data srf spectral response function SS or S2 short wavelength part of PHT-S TDF telemetry data file TDT target dedicated time TM telemetry TRS thermal radiation source ZL zodiacal light