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- 1
Ábrahám P., Acosta-Pulido J.A., Klaas U. et al. 1997,
ISOPHOT-S measurements of the zodiacal light: a calibration
tool, in `First ISO workshop on analytical spectroscopy',
Eds. A.M. Heras, K. Leech, N.R. Trams & M. Perry,
ESA SP-419, 119
- 2
Ábrahám P., Leinert C., Acosta-Pulido J.A.,
Schmidtobreick L. & Lemke D. 1998, Zodiacal light
observations with ISOPHOT, in `The Universe as Seen by ISO',
Eds. P. Cox & M.F. Kessler, ESA SP-427, 145
- 3
Acosta-Pulido J.A., Gabriel C., Catañeda H. 2000,
Transient effects in ISOPHOT data: status of modelling
and correction procedures, ExA 10, 333
- 4
Blommaert J.A.D.L, Boulanger F. & Okumura K. 2001, ISOCAM CVF photometry report, IDC Report,
- 5
Castañeda H. & Klaas U. 2000,
Recognition of space weather impact on the ISOPHOT
detectors, ExA 10, 369
- 6
Cohen M., Walker R.G., Barlow M.J. & Deakon J.R. 1992,
Spectral irradiance calibration in the infrared.
I. Ground-based and IRAS broadband calibrations,
AJ 104, 1650
- 7
Cohen M., Witteborn F.C., Walker R.G.,
Bregman J.D. & Wooden D.H. 1995,
Spectral irradiance calibration in the infrared. IV.
m spectra of six standard stars,
AJ 110, 275
- 8
Gabriel C. & Acosta-Pulido J. 2000, Deglitching
methods by the ISOPHOT interactive analysis procedures,
ExA 10, 319
- 9
Gabriel C. 2000, PHT Interactive Users Manual
Version 9.0, 27 June 2000 (see ISOPHOT documentation under:
- 10
Gautier T.N., Boulanger F., Pérault M. & Puget J.-L. 1992,
A calculation of confusion noise due to infrared cirrus,
AJ 103, 1313
- 11
Griffin M. & Orton G. 1993,
The near-Millimiter brightness temperature spectra of
Uranus and Neptune, Icarus 105, 537.
- 12
Gry C., Swinyard B., Harwood A. et al. 2002,
The ISO Handbook: Volume III,
LWS - The Long Wavelength Spectrometer,
ESA SP-1262, SAI-99-077/Dc, Version 2.0
- 13
Guest S. 1993, Deglitching of ISOPHOT data,
ISOPHOT internal report, 13 July 1993 (see ISOPHOT documentation
- 14
Hammersley P.L., Jourdain de Muizon M., Kessler M.F. et al. 1998,
Infrared standards for ISO. I. A new calibration of
mid infrared photometry, A&AS 128, 207
- 15
Hartung J. 1991, Statistik - Lehr und Handbuch der
angewandten Statistik, R. Oldenburg Verlag
- 16
Heinrichsen I., Walker H.J. & Klaas U. 1998,
Infrared mapping of the dust disc around Vega,
MNRAS 293, L78
- 17
Helou G. & Beichman C.A. 1990, The confusion limits to
the sensitivity of submillimeter telescopes, in `From
ground-based to space borne sub-mm astronomy', ESA SP-314, 117
- 18
Herbstmeier U., Ábrahám P., Lemke D. et al. 1998,
Small-scale structures in the far-infrared background,
A&A 332, 793
- 19
Jourdain de Muizon M. & Habing H. 1992,
The ISO Groundbased Preparatory Programme Working Group
ISO-GBPPWG, in `Infrared Astronomy with ISO',
Eds. Th. Encrenaz & M.F. Kessler, 129
- 20
Kessler M.F., Müller T.G., Leech K. et al. 2002,
The ISO Handbook: Volume I, ISO - Mission & Satellite
Overview, ESA SP-1262, SAI-2000-035/Dc, Version 2.0
- 21
Klaas U., Krüger H., Heinrichsen I., Heske A. & Laureijs R.J. (Eds.) 1994,
ISOPHOT Observer's Manual,
Version 3.1.1, 9 May 1994 (see ISOPHOT documentation under:
- 22
Klaas U., Ábrahám P., Haas M., Herbstmeier U. & Laureijs R.J. 1997, General ISOPHOT observing strategies for faint sources,
Version 1.3, SAI/97-013/Wb, 28 Feb 1997
- 23
Klaas U., Acosta-Pulido J.A., Ábrahám P. et al. 1997,
ISOPHOT-S: Capabilities and calibration,
in `Proceedings of the first ISO workshop on Analytical
Spectroscopy', Eds: A.M. Heras, K. Leech,
N.R. Trams & M. Perry, ESA SP-419, 113
- 24
Klaas U., Lemke D., Kranz T. et al. 1998,
Infrared straylight measurements of the ISO telescope,
in `Infrared astronomical instrumentation',
Proc. SPIE 3354, 996.
- 25
Klaas U., Laureijs R.J., Müller T.G., Kreysa E. &
Krätschmer W. 1999,
Data reduction, calibration and performance of the ISOPHOT
polarization modes, in `Workshop on ISO polarisation
observations', Eds. R.J. Laureijs & R. Siebenmorgen,
ESA SP-435, 19
- 26
Klaas U., Ábráham P., Laureijs R.J., Radovich M., Schulz B.
& Wilke K. 2002, ISOPHOT calibration accuracies,
IDC Report SAI/98-092/Dc, Version 5.0, May 2002
- 27
Klaas U. & Richards P.J., with contributions by: Wilke K., Kiss C.,
Ábráham P. and Radovich M.
2002, Report on the scientific validation of PHT OLP Version
10.0, Version 1.0 issued 9 April 2002 (see PHT documentation under
- 28
Klaas U., Laureijs R.J., Schulz B. et al. 2001,
ISOPHOT calibration strategy,
in `The Calibration Legacy of the ISO Mission',
Eds. L. Metcalfe & M.F. Kessler, ESA SP-481 (in press)
- 29
Kranz T. 1998,
Messung des Streulichts von Sonne, Mond und Erde im ISO
Weltraumteleskop, Diplomarbeit
(Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg)
- 30
Lagache G. & Puget J.-L. 2000, Detection of the
extra-Galactic background fluctuations at 170
A&A 355, 17
- 31
Laureijs R.J. & Klaas U. 1999,
ISOPHOT error budgets, IDC Report SAI/98-091/Dc,
Version 1.0, 21 April 1999
- 32
Laureijs R.J. 1999, Point spread function fractions
related to the ISOPHOT C100 and C200 arrays, IDC Report,
Version 1.0, 29 June 1999 (see ISOPHOT documentation under:
- 33
Laureijs R.J. & Klaas U. 1999, Processing steps and
signal analysis of ISOPHOT polarisation observations at
m, in `Workshop on ISO polarisation
observations', Eds. R.J. Laureijs & R. Siebenmorgen,
ESA SP-435, 27
- 34
Leech K., Kester D., Shipman R., et al.
The ISO Handbook: Volume V, SWS - The Short Wavelength
Spectrometer ESA SP-1262, SAI/2000-008/Dc, Version 2.0
- 35
Lemke D., Lützow-Wentzky P., Fricke W. & Bollinger W. 1993,
Cryogenic aspects of ISOPHOT, the photometer for
the ISO satellite, Cryogenics 33, 395
- 36
Lemke D., Garzón F., Grözinger U. et al. 1994,
Far-infrared imaging, polarimetry, and spectro-photometry on
the Infrared Space Observatory, Optical Engineering 33, 20
- 37
Lemke D., Klaas U., Abolins J. et al. 1996,
ISOPHOT - capabilities and performance, A&A 315, L64
- 38
Lemke D., Kranz Th., Klaas U. et al. 2001,
Straylight in ISOPHOT?,
in `The Calibration Legacy of the ISO Mission',
Eds. L. Metcalfe & M.F. Kessler, ESA SP-481 (in press)
- 39
Moneti A., Metcalfe L. & Schulz B. 1997,
Reference wavelengths for ISO: CAM and PHOT filters,
IDC Report SAI/97-002/Dc, 17 Jan 1997
- 40
Müller T. & Lagerros J. 1998,
Asteroids as far-infrared photometric standards for ISOPHOT,
A&A 338, 340
- 41
Müller T. 2000a, ISOPHOT aperture profiles and
background measurements, in `ISO Beyond Point Sources:
Studies of Extended Infrared Emission', Eds. R.J. Laureijs,
K. Leech & M.F. Kessler, ESA SP-455, 33
- 42
Müller T. 2000b, ISOPHOT aperture sequences on point-
and extended sources, in `ISO Beyond Point Sources:
Studies of Extended Infrared Emission', Eds. R.J. Laureijs,
K. Leech, M.F. Kessler, ESA SP-455, 41
- 43
Müller T. & Lagerros J. 2002,
Asteroids as calibration standards in the thermal infrared for
space observatories, A&A 381, 324.
- 44
Okumura K. 2000, The ISO point spread function and CAM
beam profiles, in `ISO Beyond Point Sources: Studies of
Extended Infrared Emission', Eds. R.J. Laureijs, K. Leech
& M.F. Kessler, ESA SP-455, 47
- 45
Oliver S.J. 2001, FIRST extragalactic surveys:
practical considerations,
in `The Promise of the Herschel Space Observatory',
Eds. G. Pilbratt et al., ESA SP-460, 105
- 46
Richards P.J., Klaas U., Laureijs R.J. et al. 2001,
The ISOPHOT pipeline data processing,
in `The Calibration Legacy of the ISO Mission',
Eds. L. Metcalfe & M.F. Kessler, ESA SP-481 (in press)
- 47
Salama A., Beintema D., Lloyd C. et al. 2001,
Beam Profiles and Pointing Working Group Final Report,
IDC report, SAI/2001-027/Dc
- 48
Schlötelburg M. 1992,
Polarimetry with ISOPHOT,
ISOPHOT Internal Report, MPIA Heidelberg
- 49
Schubert J., Fouks B.I., Lemke D. & Wolf J. 1995,
Transient response of ISOPHOT Si:Ga infrared photodetectors:
experimental results and application of the theory of non-stationary
processes, in `Infrared Spaceborne Remote Sensing III',
Proc. SPIE 2553, 42
- 50
Schulz B. 1993,
Bodencalibration des Infrarotmeters im Satellitenexperiment
ISOPHOT, Dissertation (Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg)
- 51
Schulz B. 1999, Linearisation of ISOPHOT-P and C
detector signals in OLP8, IDC report,
Version 1.0, 29 September 1999 (see ISOPHOT documentation under:
- 52
Schulz B. 1999, Long term responsivity stability
of ISOPHOT-S, IDC report, Version 1.0, 28 May 1999
(see ISOPHOT documentation under:
- 53
Schulz B., Huth S., Laureijs R.J. et al. 2002,
ISOPHOT - Photometric Calibration of point sources,
A&A 381, 1110
- 54
van der Bliek N.S., Bouchet P., Habing H.J. et al. 1992,
Standard stars for the Infrared Space Observatory ISO,
The Messenger 70, 28
- 55
Walker R.G. & Cohen M. 1992,
An Atlas of selected calibrated stellar spectra,
NASA Contractor's Report CR-177604
- 56
Wilke K. 1995, Untersuchung von Detektordriften
des C200-Detectors im Satellitenexperiment ISOPHOT und
deren Kalibration, Diplomarbeit (Ruprecht-Karls-Universität,
- 57
Wolf J. 1994, Low background far-infrared detectors
and arrays, Optical Engineering 33, 1492
- 58
Wolf J., Grözinger U. & Lemke D. 1995, Cryogenic readout
electronics for the Infrared Space Observatory ISO, in
`Third Symposium on Low Temperature Electronics and High Temperature
Superconductivity', Eds. C. Claeys, S. Raider, R. Kirschman & W.
Brown, 95-9, 355. The Electrochemical Society, Inc., Pennington, NJ
ISO Handbook Volume IV (PHT), Version 2.0.1, SAI/1999-069/Dc