Next: 4.4 Transients
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Previous: 4.2 Dark Current
4.3 Glitches
Glitches are the result of an energy deposit from charged particles on
the detector. This energy deposit is spatially localised on the detector
and it takes a certain period of time for the detector to recover from it.
These glitches were one of the main limitations in the sensitivity of the
ISOCAM LW detector.
Several papers describe the nature of the detected gliches and the glitch
rates (Claret & Dzitko 1998, [15]; Dzitko et al. 2000,
[30]; Claret et al. 2000, [17]); and
Claret & Dzitko 2001, [16]).
The active zone of SW pixels is very thin (less than 10
m) so that
the SW detector has a low susceptibility to radiation effects.
The LW detector, instead, has a 100
m pitch
and a much larger thickness of 500
m leading to a much larger amount of
deposited energy. Below we will discuss the main results and conclusions of
the investigation of glitches affecting the LW detector.
Responsivity variations were a major challenge in maximising
the sensitivity of the LW array. They could be induced by strong changes
in the incident flux or by glitches. Glitch induced variations
were manifested in two rather distinct problems:
- a systematic
responsivity variation after the
perigee passage due to the very high radiation dose from trapped
particles in the van Allen belts, and
- (sometimes strong)
responsivity variations due to the impact of individual galactic cosmic ray
particles, all along the ISO orbit.
Extensive radiation tests were performed on the ground before launch
using gamma-ray, proton and heavy ion accelerator beams to simulate
the conditions in the van Allen belts.
High ionising radiation
flux induced a responsivity increase which relaxed in a few hours.
This effect was minimised if the photoconductor was under bias and
exposed to a high infrared flux. Thus, in-orbit, during the perigee
passage, since the experiment was switched off, a specific power supply
kept the necessary bias voltage on the
photoconductors, and the camera was left open to light to permit
detector curing by the background infrared flux.
Outside the van Allen belts the main responsive
perturbation came from galactic protons and
-particles. In
addition to these external particles, the anti-reflection coating of
the lenses contained radioactive thorium, which generated a dose of low
-particles. This flux depended on the solid angle of
the lens as viewed from the array, and had a maximum for the
Less frequent, but more disruptive, were incoming heavy ions. Each
ion typically affected about 50 pixels, and generated a glitch
followed by a decrease of responsivity.
In-orbit, the typical glitch rate and related numbers for ISOCAM detectors
outside the van Allen belts were:
- Average glitch rate = 1 glitch/second
- Average number of pixels hit per glitch = 8 pixels/glitch
- The sensitivity loss was
5% and
10% for images of 2, 5 and 10 seconds on-chip integration
times respectively (but the actual sensitivity loss could be higher
due to glitch tails).
There was no clear variation in the glitch rate along an orbit, except just
after or before the passage through the radiation belts (i.e. at the
beginning or at the end of the scientific window). The glitch rate
only slightly increased over the ISO operations (1995-1998). Solar
activity could cause the variations observed as confirmed by the solar
flare event which took place on revolution 722 in
which the glitch rate became extremely high (with an increase by more than
a factor of 7).
Three main families of glitches were defined by Claret & Dzitko 1998,
Examples of these can be found in Figure 4.6.
- Type-A, called common glitches (more than 80%). These are
quite easy to detect and remove from the data.
- Type-B, called faders; the pixel value decreases until a
stabilised value is reached.
- Type-C, called dippers. For this type of glitches the pixel
value first decreases below the stabilised value, and then increases
until the stabilised value is reached.
The interpretation given in Claret & Dzitko 2001, [16]
is that common glitches are induced by galactic protons and
electrons, faders are induced by light galactic ions, and
dippers are caused by particles providing higher linear energy
transfer, such as heavy galactic ions.
The CAM Interactive Analysis package
(see the ISOCAM Interactive Analysis User's Manual,
contains several glitch removal methods. The different
methods and their performance are discussed in Claret & Dzitko 1998,
[15]. They
give very good results for common glitches (type-A), but other type
of glitches are more difficult to remove from the data. The
temporal profiles of faders and dippers have some similarities
with the temporal variations which are observed after a strong change of
the incident flux, which also leads to a transient behaviour of
the detector (Section 4.4).
For example the gain variation of dippers (type-C glitches;
see Figure 4.6)
could be interpreted as an increasing signal after a flux change by
a transient correction algorithm, leading to a false source detection.
is no method fully reliable and several methods should be used successively
in order to get a nearly 100% glitch rejection (Ott et al. 2000,
[48]), especially when the data contain strong glitches.
Figure 4.6:
The three main glitch families as defined in Claret & Dzitko
1998, [15]. Type-A (common) glitches have a
decay time roughly as short as the rise
time. For type-B (fader) glitches, the decay time is much longer than
the rise time and has an exponential profile. For type-C (dipper)
the detector gain is affected and the nominal sensitivity
is recovered only after several readouts. Type-C glitches do not
necessarily have the largest amplitudes.
Next: 4.4 Transients
Up: 4. Calibration and Performance
Previous: 4.2 Dark Current
ISO Handbook Volume II (CAM), Version 2.0, SAI/1999-057/Dc