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- 1
Abergel A., Miville-Deschênes M.A., Désert F.-X.,
Pérault M.X., Aussel H. & Sauvage M. 1999,
The transient behaviour of the LW channel of ISOCAM,
ExA 10, 353
- 2
Altieri B., Metcalfe L., Ott S., Pérault M. & Vigroux L. 1998,
CAM Calibration explanatory document, Version 1.0, 2 October
1998 (see ISOCAM documentation under:
- 3
Altieri B., Metcalfe L., Kneib J.P. et al. 1999,
An ultra-deep ISOCAM observation through a cluster-lens,
A&A 343, L65
- 4
Aussel H., Cesarsky C., Elbaz D. & Starck J.-L. 1999, ISOCAM observations of the Hubble Deep Field with
the PRETI method, A&A 342, 313
- 5
Biviano A., Sauvage M., Gallais P. et al. 1998a,
The ISOCAM Dark Current Calibration Report,
(see ISOCAM documentation
- 6
Biviano A., Altieri B., Blommaert J. et al., 1998c, ISOCAM CVF Calibration Report, Version 1.1, 20 May 1998 (see ISOCAM
documentation under:
- 7
Biviano A., Blommaert J., Laurent O. et al. 1998b, ISOCAM Flat-field Calibration Report, Version 1.1, 19 May 1998 (see
ISOCAM documentation under:
- 8
- Biviano A. 1998d, ISOCAM Calibration Error Budget Report, Version 3.1, 14 August 1998
(see ISOCAM documentation under:
- 9
- Biviano A., Sauvage M., Gallais P. et al. 2000,
The ISOCAM/LW detector dark current behaviour, ExA 10, 255
- 10
Blommaert J. 1998, ISOCAM Photometry Report, Version 2.1.1,
18 December 1998 (see ISOCAM documentation under:
- 11
Blommaert J., Metcalfe L., Altieri B. et al. 2000, The ISOCAM responsivity in orbit. Standard star photometry,
ExA 10, 241
- 12
Blommaert J., Boulanger F. & Okumura K. 2001a,
ISOCAM CVF Photometry Report, IDC Report, SAI/2001-034/Rp
- 13
Blommaert J., Okumura K. & Boulanger F. 2001b,
ISOCAM photometry, in
`The Calibration Legacy of the ISO Mission',
Eds. L. Metcalfe & M.F. Kessler, ESA SP-481 (in press)
- 14
Boulade O. & Gallais P. 2000, The ISOCAM detectors: an
overview, ExA 10, 227
- 15
Claret A. & Dzitko H. 1998, ISOCAM glitch library, 30 June
1998, (see ISOCAM documentation under:
- 16
Claret A. & Dzitko H. 2001, Understanding and Modelling glitch effects in ISOCAM, in
`The Calibration Legacy of the ISO Mission',
Eds. L. Metcalfe & M.F. Kessler, ESA SP-481 (in press)
- 17
Claret A., Dzitko H., Engelmann J. & Starck J.-L. 2000,
Glitch effects in ISOCAM long wave detector, ExA 10, 305
- 18
Cohen M., Walker R.G. & Witteborn F.C. 1992, Spectral
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of the IRAS low resolution spectrometer, AJ 104, 2030
- 19
Cohen M., Witteborn F.C., Walker R.G.,
Bregman J.D. & Wooden D.H. 1995, Spectral irradiance
calibration in the infrared. IV. 1.2-35 micron spectra of six
standard stars, AJ 110, 275
- 20
Cohen M., Witteborn F.C., Carbon D.F., Davies J.K.,
Wooden D.H. & Bregman J.D. 1996, Spectral irradiance
calibration in the infrared. VII. New composite spectra, comparison
with model atmospheres, and far-infrared extrapolations,
AJ 112, 2274
- 21
Coulais A. & Abergel A. 2000, Transient correction of the LW-ISOCAM data for low contrasted
illumination, A&ASS 141, 533
- 22
Coulais A. & Abergel A. 2002, Frequently Asked Questions about Fouks-Schubert model and
transient correction method for LW-ISOCAM, in
`Exploiting the ISO Data Archive. Infrared Astronomy
in the Internet Age', Eds. C. Gry, S.B. Peschke, J. Matagne
et al., ESA SP-511 (in press)
- 23
Coulais A., Fouks B.I., Giovanelli J.-F., Abergel A. & Sée J.
2000, Transient response of IR detectors used in space astronomy: what
we have learned from the ISO satellite, in
'Infrared Spaceborn Remote Sensing VIII', Proc. SPIE 4131, 205
- 24
Coulais A., Abergel A., Pérault M. & Fouks B. 2001, What can be characterised for low-background IR detectors from
ground-based experiments?, in
`The Calibration Legacy of the ISO Mission',
Eds. L. Metcalfe & M.F. Kessler, ESA SP-481 (in press)
- 25
Decin L. 2001, Stellar models in IR calibration, in
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Eds. L. Metcalfe & M.F. Kessler, ESA SP-481 (in press)
- 26
Decin L., Vandenbussche B., Waelkens C. et al. 2003a, ISO-SWS calibration and the accurate modelling of cool-star
atmospheres: II. General results, A&A 400, 679
- 27
Decin L., Vandenbussche B., Waelkens C. et al. 2003b,
ISO-SWS calibration and the accurate modelling of cool-star
atmospheres. IV. G9 to M2 stars, A&A 400, 709
- 28
Delaney M. & Ott S. (Eds.) 2002,
ISOCAM Interactive Analysis User's Manual,
SAI/96-5226/Dc, Version 5.0
- 29
Désert F.-X., Puget J.-L., Clements D.,
Pérault M., Abergel A., Bernard J.P. & Cesarsky C. 1999,
A classical approach to faint extragalactic source
extraction from ISOCAM deep surveys. Application
to the Hubble Deep Field, A&A 134, 342
- 30
Dzitko H., Claret A. & Engelmann J. 2000, Cosmic ray effects on the ISOCAM LW detector, ExA 10, 279
- 31
Fouks B.I. 1992, Non-stationary behaviour of low background
photon detectors, in `Photon Detectors for Space
Instrumentation', ESA SP-356, 167
- 32
Fouks B.I. & Schubert J. 1995, Precise theoretical description of the photoresponse
for detectors of ISOPHOT's Si:Ga array, Proc. SPIE 487, 2475
- 33
Fouks B.I., Coulais A. & Normand, J. 2002, Accurate physical model for direct modelling of point source
transients for ISOCAM LW detector, in
`Exploiting the ISO Data Archive. Infrared Astronomy
in the Internet Age', Eds. C. Gry, S.B. Peschke, J. Matagne
et al., ESA SP-511 (in press)
- 34
fv: The Interactive FITS File Editor, available at:
- 35
Gallais P. & Boulade O. 1998, Report on trend analysis of CAM daily
calibration measurements (see ISOCAM documentation under:
- 36
Hammersley P.L., Jourdain de Muizon M., Kessler M.F. et al. 1998,
Infrared standards for ISO. I. A new calibration of mid
infrared photometry, A&AS 128, 207
- 37
Hammersley P.L. & Jourdain de Muizon M. 2001, The development of stellar photometric standards for ISO, in
`The Calibration Legacy of the ISO Mission',
Eds. L. Metcalfe & M.F. Kessler, ESA SP-481 (in press)
- 38
Holtzman J.A., Burrows C.J., Casertano S.,
Hester J.J, Trauger J.T., Watson A.M. & Worthey G. 1995, The photometric performance and calibration of WFPC2,
PASP 107, 1065
- 39
Jourdain de Muizon M. & Habing H.J. 1992, The ISO Ground-Based Preparatory Programme Working Group, in
`Les Houches Series: Infrared Astronomy with ISO', Eds. Th.
Encrenaz & M.F. Kessler, 129
- 40
Kessler M.F, Müller T.G., Leech K. et al. 2003, The ISO Handbook:Volume I, ISO - Mission & Satellite Overview
ESA SP-1262, SAI-2000-035/Dc, Version 2.0
- 41
Miville-Deschênes M.A., Boulanger F., Abergel A.
& Bernard P. 2000, Optimising ISOCAM data processing using spatial redundancy,
A&AS 146, 519
- 42
Moneti A., Metcalfe L. & Schulz B. 1997, Reference Wavelengths for ISO: CAM and PHOT Filters,
SAI/97-002/Dc, Version 1.0
- 43
NOST standard 100-1.0, available at:
- 44
Okumura K. 1998, ISOCAM PSF Report, Version 1.0, 26 June 1998
(see ISOCAM documentation under
- 45
Okumura K., Pérault M. & Longval Y. 1998, Ghosts in ISOCAM images, Version 1.1, 4 November 1998, (see ISOCAM
documentation under
- 46
Okumura K. 2000, ISOCAM Field Distortion Report, Version 1.0, 7 November 1998,
documentation under
- 47
Omont A. and the ISOGAL Collaboration, 1999, The ISOGAL Survey,
`The Universe as Seen by ISO', Eds. P. Cox & M.F. Kessler,
ESA-SP 427, 211
- 48
Ott S., Metcalfe L., Pollock A. & Tuffs R. 2000, Innovative
cosmic ray rejection in ISOCAM data, in `Astronomical Data Analysis
Software and Systems (ADASS) IX', Eds. N. Manset,
C. Veillet & D. Crabtree. ASP Conf. Series 216, 543
(ASP, ISBN 1-58381-047-1)
- 49
Pérault M., Omont A., Simon G. et al. 1996,
First ISOCAM images of the Milky Way, A&A 315, L165
- 50
Román P. & Ott S. 1999,
Report on the behaviour of ISOCAM LW darks, Version 1.2, June
1999, (see ISOCAM documentation under
- 51
Sauvage M., Blommaert J., Boulanger F., Cesarsky C. & Cesarsky
D.A. 1996, ISOCAM mapping of the Whirlpool galaxy M51, A&A
315, L89
- 52
Saxton R.D. (Ed.), ISO Data Product Document, Issue 12, 8 June
2000, SAI/94-1266/Dc
- 53
Schubert J., Roth G., Wolf J., Lemke D. & Fouks B.I. 1994, Correction and curing of in-orbit-induced non-ideal behaviour of
ISOPHOTS's photodetectors,
Proc. SPIE 2268, 283
- 54
Siebenmorgen R., Abergel A., Altieri B. et al. 1996, First results from the ISOCAM parallel mode, A&A 315, L169
- 55
Siebenmorgen R. 1999, Polarisation observations with ISOCAM in
`ISO Polarisation Observations', Eds. R.J. Laureijs &
R. Siebenmorgen, ESA-SP-435, 41
- 56
Siebenmorgen R., Schartel N. & Ott S. 2000, The ISOCAM parallel mode in `ISO Surveys of a Dusty Universe',
Eds. D. Lemke, M. Stickel & K. Wilke, Lecture Notes in Physics 548,
- 57
Starck J.-L., Murtagh F. & Bijaoui A. 1998,
Image Processing and Data Analysis: The Multiscale
Approach, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge (GB)
- 58
Starck J.-L, Abergel A., Aussel H. et al. 1999a,
ISOCAM data processing, A&AS 134, 135
- 59
Starck J.-L, Aussel H., Elbaz D., Fadda D.
& Cesarsky C. 1999b, Faint source detection in ISOCAM images,
A&A 138, 365
- 60
Tiphène D., Rouan D., Epstein G. & Le Coupanec P., 2000, Modelling transient effects in the IR array of the short wavelength
channel of ISOCAM ExA 10, 347
- 61
van der Bliek N.S., Bouchet P., Habing H.J. et al. 1992, Standard stars for the Infrared Space Observatory, ISO,
The Messenger 70, 28
- 62
Vinokurov L.A. & Fouks B.I. 1991, Non-linear photoresponse of extrinsic photoconductors,
Sov. Phys. Semicond. 25, 1207
- 63
Vigroux L.G., Cesarsky C., Boulade O. et al. 1993, ISOCAM -the Infrared Space Observatory camera: results of
testing and calibrations, Proc. SPIE 1946, 281
- 64
Walker R.G. & Cohen M. 1992, An atlas of selected calibrated
stellar spectra, NASA Contractor's Report CR-177604
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