The Calibration Legacy of the ISO Mission

(Feb 5-9, 2001, ESAC, Madrid, Spain)

The Calibration Legacy of the ISO Mission

5-9 February 2001, ISO Data Centre, ESA-VILSPA, Spain

The Calibration Legacy of the ISO Mission

Calendar of events

09 Jan. 2001: Final announcement, with final programme, lists of posters and talks with Abstracts on-line. 10 Jan. 2001: Release deadline for unclaimed hotel rooms. 26 Jan. 2001: Web update of details (time for buses, etc.) and instructions for proceedings. LateX template available for proceedings. 05-09 Feb. 2001: The conference takes place. 01 Apr. 2001: Deadline for submission of manuscripts for the proceedings.

Scientific Organising Committee

C. Cesarsky (ESO), P. Clegg (QMW), M. Cohen (Univ. of Calif., Berkeley), Th. de Graauw (SRON), M.F. Kessler (ESA/ISO) - co-chair, D. Lemke (MPIA), L. Metcalfe (ESA/ISO) - chair, H. Okuda (GAO), G. Pilbratt (ESA/FIRST), J-L. Puget (IAS), T. Soifer (IPAC), B. Swinyard (RAL), M. Werner (NASA).

Local Organising Committee

J. Blommaert, P. Garcia-Lario, C. Gry, M.F. Kessler (Co-chair), R.J. Laureijs, J. Matagne, L. Metcalfe (Chair), T. Mueller, S. Ott, S. Peschke, A. Salama, B. Schulz, J. Villanueva, A. Willis.