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8.6 Spectroscopy with PHT40

The processing of PHT-S data during Derive_SPD created PHT-S spectra where for each pixel the flux density is given in Jy. In Derive_AAR the PHT-SS and PHT-SL detector arrays are processed separately in line with the separate treatment in SPD. Due to the relatively few PHT-S raster maps collected during the mission, no raster images with PHT-S are produced.

8.6.1 PHT-S spectrum in wavelength units for point sources

Operation:  Derive a PHT-S spectrum in $F_{\lambda}$

The PHT-S flux density $F_{\nu}(i)$ in frequency units of Jy of detector array element $i$ with uncertainty ${\Delta}F_{\nu}(i)$ is converted to wavelength units according to:

$\displaystyle F_{\lambda}(i)$ $\textstyle =$ $\displaystyle \frac {10^{-32}c}{\lambda^2(i)} F_{\nu}(i)
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~{\rm [W\,m^{-2}{\mu}m^{-1}]}$ (8.17)
$\displaystyle {\Delta}F_{\lambda}(i)$ $\textstyle =$ $\displaystyle \frac {10^{-32}c}{\lambda^2(i)}
{\Delta}F_{\nu}(i)$ (8.18)


This conversion is applied to

Ancillary data needed

The values for $\lambda(i)$ are stored in Cal-G file PSPECAL, see Section14.19.1.

8.6.2 PHT-S spectrum for extended sources

Operation:  Derive a PHT-S spectrum for extended sources.

The PHT-S flux density $F_{\nu}(i)$ in frequency units of Jy of detector array element $i$ with uncertainty ${\Delta}F_{\nu}(i)$ is converted to surface brightness:

$\displaystyle I_{\lambda}(i)$ $\textstyle =$ $\displaystyle \frac {10^{-26}c}{\lambda(i)^2} F_{\nu}(i)
\frac {C^{p}_{ave}(i)}{C^{e}_{ave}(i)}
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~{\rm [W\,m^{-2}{\mu}m^{-1}sr^{-1}]}$ (8.19)
$\displaystyle {\Delta}I_{\lambda}(i)$ $\textstyle =$ $\displaystyle \frac {10^{-26}c}{\lambda(i)^2}
{\Delta}F_{\nu}(i)\frac {C^{p}_{ave}(i)}{C^{e}_{ave}(i)}$ (8.20)


This conversion is applied to

Ancillary data needed

The values for $\lambda(i)$, $C^p_{ave}(i)$, and $C^e_{ave}(i)$ are stored in Cal-G file PSPECAL, see Section14.19.1.

8.6.3 Write spectroscopy products

Operation:  Write spectroscopy products.

To maintain the separation between the short wavelength and long wavelength PHT-S detector arrays SS and SL, the different array data are stored in separate products.

Detailed product descriptions can be found in Sections 13.4, 13.4.11 (product PSAP), 13.4.12 (product PLAP), 13.4.13 (product PSAE), 13.4.14 (product PLAE), 13.4.15 (product PSAS), 13.4.16 (product PLAS), for the PHT-SS and SL point source, extended source and raster products, respectively.

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ISO Handbook Volume IV (PHT), Version 2.0.1, SAI/1999-069/Dc