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2.5 ISOPHOT Measurement Concept

A PHT measurement comprises all detector readouts telemetered following a `start measurement' command with the instrument in a fixed configuration. A change of instrument configuration can be a change of detector, a change of aperture, a change of filter, a change of polariser, or a switching-on or -off of the FCS. These changes can only occur between measurements and not during a measurement. The measurement time is the total time necessary to perform a measurement. This time is different from the on-source integration time, which excludes the time when the background is measured by the chopper in case of a chopped measurement.

Data collected while the spacecraft was performing a raster map belong to the same measurement. The integration time per raster point, or the raster point dwell time and the time for the microslews between the raster points are included in the measurement time.

Apart from the sky measurements, the observations provide a number of special internal measurements:

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ISO Handbook Volume IV (PHT), Version 2.0.1, SAI/1999-069/Dc