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14.11 Vignetting Corrections

Description Parameter:	Section 4.5.1
Processing Level:	SPD 
Usage in processing:	 
File Type:		FITS Image 
Units:			dimensionless

The light deflected by the chopper mirror can be vignetted. Since the chopper deflection can only take place along the spacecraft Y direction, the corrections are tabulated as a function of Y offset, detector, filter, and aperture, if any. The correction factors are multiplied with the mean and median signal per chopper plateau for a given chopper throw.

The vignetting Cal-G files contain no corrections for detectors P1, P2, and P3, i.e. all correction factors are unity for these detectors.

The present corrections for signal losses in pointed chopped observations implicitly include the chopper vignetting correction in the form of a different signal correction for the on- and off-target positions. Consequently, these observations require no additional vignetting corrections. The chopper vignetting corrections are used in the processing of PHT32 where no corrections for chopped signal losses are included.

All products have:
TYPE = R*4

14.11.1 Product PP1VIGN: vignetting corrections for P1

AXIS	Length	Description
1	14	Apertures: $\rm CHWII$ position, see Section A.1
2	25	Chopper position: from $-180''$ to $+180''$ in 15 arcsec steps
3	10	Filters: $\rm CHWIII$ position, see Section A.1

14.11.2 Product PP2VIGN: vignetting corrections for P2

AXIS	Length	Description
1	14	Apertures: $\rm CHWII$ position, see Section A.1
2	25	Chopper position: from $-180''$ to $+180''$ in 15 arcsec steps
3	2	Filters: 20, 25 $\mu $m

14.11.3 Product PP3VIGN: vignetting corrections for P3

see Product PP2VIGN, with filters: 60 and 100 $\mu $m.

14.11.4 Product PC1VIGN: vignetting corrections for C100

AXIS	Length	Description
1	9	C100 Pixels: index 1= pixel [1,1], 2= [1,2], etc
2	25	Chopper position: from $-180''$ to $+180''$ in 15 arcsec steps
3	7	Filters: $\rm [CHWII~position-1]$, see Section A.1

14.11.5 Product PC2VIGN: vignetting corrections for C200

AXIS	Length	Description
1	4	C200 Pixels: pixel 1= [1,1], 2= [1,2], etc
2	25	Chopper position: from $-180''$ to $+180''$ in 15 arcsec steps
3	5	Filters: $\rm CHWII~position-8$, see Section A.1

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ISO Handbook Volume IV (PHT), Version 2.0.1, SAI/1999-069/Dc