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D.11 ISO Focal Plane Geometry (IFPG)

This file contains information on the offsets of the various instrument apertures with respect to the Quadrant Star Sensor (QSS). It was of fundamental importance in calculating instrument fields of view.

D.11.1 Primary header

The IFPG file contains a primary header with the fields described in Table D.28. In this example non-mandatory fields are filled with example values.

Table D.28: IFPG primary header.
Keyword Value Description
BITPIX = 8 /
NAXIS = 0 /
ORIGIN = 'ESA ' / European Space Agency
TELESCOP = 'ISO ' / Infrared Space Observatory
COMMENT   ISO Focal Plane Geometry
FILENAME = 'IFPG ' / File name in archive
DATE = '09/07/95' / Creation date
FILEVERS = '0298 ' / Version ID in ISO archive
OLPVERS = 'OLP_21 ' / SOC OLP system version
DATE-OLD = '1996-08-14' / Date of original creation by IDT

D.11.2 Records

The IFPG file contains records described in Table D.29.

Table D.29: IFPG records.
Keyword Number Format Description
SPARE 17 I1 Spare
INSTID 1 A1 Instrument ID (C,L,P,S)
APERTID 1 I2 Aperture ID (1/2/3)
DY 1 R4 Aperture Y-offset with respect to QSS, in arcmin
DZ 1 R4 Aperture Z-offset with respect to QSS, in arcmin
REV 1 I4 Revolution during which the offsets were measured
      $-$1 = EE1 tests
      $-$2 = EE2 tests

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ISO Handbook Volume I (GEN), Version 2.0, SAI/2000-035/Dc