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D.10 ISO Guide-Star Hipparcos Catalogue Data

This file contains information from the Hipparcos D.1 catalogue, [83], for the stars used as ISO guide stars. It is not a full extract of the Hipparcos catalogue, but a subset. Users are recommended to refer to the Hipparcos catalogue for further information on the contents of this file. It was used in some detailed pointing corrections and was not designed to be of use to the general observer.

D.10.1 Primary header

The HIPPARCHOS file contains a primary header with the fields described in Table D.26. In this example non-mandatory fields are filled with example values.

Table D.26: HIPPARCHOS primary header.
Keyword Value Description
BITPIX = 8 /
NAXIS = 0 /
ORIGIN = 'ESA ' / European Space Agency
TELESCOP = 'ISO ' / Infrared Space Observatory
COMMENT   ISO guide-star Hipparcos catalogue data
FILENAME = 'HIPPARCHOS' / File name in ISO archive
DATE = '09/07/95' / Creation date
FILEVERS = '0298 ' / Version ID in ISO archive
OLPVERS = 'OLP_21 ' / SOC OLP system version
CALGVERS = 'CALG_31 ' / SOC OLP CAL-G files version
CREATOR 'OLP_CREATE v1.0' / Task which created the file
CALIBRAT = 'CAL-G v5.6' / Calibration Data release
TIME = '22:45:59' / Time of file creation (hh:mm:ss)
DATE-OLD = '1999-08-16' / Date of original creation by IDT

D.10.2 Records

The HIPPARCHOS file contains records described in Table D.27.

Table D.27: HIPPARCHOS records.
Keyword Number Format Description
H1 1 I4 Identifier (HIP number)
H3 1 A12 Identifier RA (J1991.25), as `h m s'
H4 1 A12 Identifier Dec (J1991.25), as `d m s'
H5 1 R4 Johnson V magnitude, in magnitudes
H8 1 R8 alpha (J1991.25), in degrees
H9 1 R8 delta (J1991.25), in degrees
H11 1 R8 Trigonometric parallax, in mas
H12 1 R8 mu_alpha*, in mas/year
H13 1 R8 mu_delta, in mas/year
H14 1 R8 Standard error in alpha (J1991.25), in mas
H15 1 R8 Standard error in delta (J1991.25), in mas
H16 1 R8 Standard error in pi, in mas
H17 1 R8 Standard error in mu_alpha*, in mas/year
H18 1 R8 Standard error in mu_delta, in mas/year
H19 1 R4 Correlation: alpha*/delta
H20 1 R4 Correlation: alpha*/pi
H21 1 R4 Correlation: delta/pi
H22 1 R4 Correlation: alpha*/mu_alpha*
H23 1 R4 Correlation: delta/mu_alpha*
H24 1 R4 Correlation: pi/mu_alpha*
H25 1 R4 Correlation: alpha*/mu_delta
H26 1 R4 Correlation: delta/mu_delta
H27 1 R4 Correlation: pi/mu_delta
H28 1 R4 Correlation: mu_alpha*/mu_delta
H29 1 I4 Data points rejected, in percent
H30 1 R4 F2 (goodness-of-fit)
H31 1 I4 HIP number
H32 1 R4 BT, in magnitudes
H33 1 R4 sigma(BT), in magnitudes
H34 1 R4 VT, in magnitudes
H35 1 R4 sigma(VT), in magnitudes
H37 1 R4 B$-$V, in magnitudes
H38 1 R4 sigma(B$-$V), in magnitudes
H40 1 R4 V$-$I, in magnitudes
H41 1 R4 sigma(V$-$I), in magnitudes
H44 1 R4 median(Hp), in magnitudes
H45 1 R4 sigma(Hp), in magnitudes
H46 1 R4 Scatter, in magnitudes
H47 1 I4 Number of accepted transits
H49 1 R4 Magnitude at maximum Hp (5th percentile), in magnitudes
H50 1 R4 Magnitude at minimum Hp (95th percentile), in magnitudes
H51 1 R4 Period, in days
H63 1 I4 Position angle, in degrees
H64 1 R4 Angular separation, in arcseconds
H65 1 R4 sigma(separation), in arcseconds
H66 1 R4 delta(Hp), in magnitudes
H67 1 R4 sigma(delta(Hp)), in magnitudes
H75 1 R4 V$-$I used for reductions, in magnitudes
H0 1 A1 Catalogue (H = Hipparcos)
H2 1 A1 Proximity flag
H6 1 A1 Coarse variability flag
H7 1 A1 Source of magnitude identifier
H10 1 A1 Reference flag for BT and VT
H36 1 A1 Reference flag for BT and VT
H39 1 A1 Source of B$-$V
H42 1 A1 Source of V$-$I
H43 1 A1 Reference flag for colour indices
H48 1 A1 Reference flag for photometry
H52 1 A1 Flag (variability type)
H53 1 A1 Flag (variability tables)
H54 1 A1 Flag (light curves)
H55 1 A10 CCDM Identifier
H56 1 A1 Historical status flag
H57 1 I1 Number of catalogue entries
H58 1 I1 Number of components
H59 1 A1 Double/Multiple Systems Annex flag
H60 1 A1 Astrometric source flag
H61 1 A1 Solution quality
H62 1 A2 Component identifiers
H68 1 A1 Survey flag
H69 1 A1 Chart flag
H70 1 A1 Notes flag
H71 1 A6 HD identifier
H72 1 A10 DM (BD) identifier
H73 1 A10 DM (CoD) identifier
H74 1 A10 DM (CPD) identifier
H76 1 A12 Spectral type
H77 1 A1 Source of spectral type
SPARE 29 A1 Spare space

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ISO Handbook Volume I (GEN), Version 2.0, SAI/2000-035/Dc