ISO Explanatory Library: SWS
Up: olp101sws
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Cohen, M., Walker, R.G., & Witteborn, 1992, AJ, 104, 2030
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Cohen, M., Witteborn, F.C., Walker, R.G., Bregman, J.D., & Wooden, D.H., 1995, AJ, 110, 275
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Cohen, M., Witteborn, Bregman, J.D., Wooden, D.H., Salama, A., & Metcalfe, L., 1996, AJ, 112,
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Decin, L., 2000, PhD Thesis, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
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Decin, L., 2001, in 'The Calibration Legacy of the ISO Mission', ed. L. Metcalfe et al.,
(ESA SP-481)
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Price S.D. private communication
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Shipman, R.F et al., 2001, in 'The Calibration Legacy of the ISO Mission', ed.
L. Metcalfe et al., (ESA SP-481)
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Vandenbussche, B., et al., 2001, in 'The Calibration Legacy of the ISO Mission', ed.
L. Metcalfe et al., (ESA SP-481)
Improvements in the OLP 10 RSRF and Flux Calibration of ISO-SWS Bands 2A and 2C