L. Decin1 - C. Waelkens 1 - B. Gustafsson 2 - K. Eriksson 2 - B. Plez 2,3 - J. Sauval 4
1 Instituut voor Sterrenkunde, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven,
Celestijnenlaan 200B, B-3000 Leuven, Belgium -
2 Astronomiska observatoriet,
Box 515, S-75120 Uppsala, Sweden -
3 Atomspektroskopi, Fysika institution, Box
118, S-22100, Lund, Sweden -
4 Observatoire Royal de Belgique, Avenue
Circulaire 3, B-1180 Bruxelles, Belgium
The photometric absolute calibration of ISO-SWS is reliable up to 30% and the relative calibration up to 10%. To judge the obtained ISO-SWS spectra on their reliability, we compare them with synthetic spectra.
The detailed comparison between the ISO-SWS
data for the K2III giant Boo and the M2.5III giant
Peg and the
synthetic spectra generated by the use of the new Uppsala models (Plez et al.,
1992; Plez et al., 1993) give us not
only an indication on the still remaining ISO-SWS calibration problems, but also
on the shortcomings of the synthetic spectra. Constructing a stellar model and
generating a synthetic spectrum require a detailed knowledge of the stellar
atmosphere, but an accurate physical description of the atmosphere of cool
giants is still lacking. We hope that our results will not only contribute to a
better convergence between the ISO-SWS data and the generated synthetic spectra,
but also to a better understanding of the atmospheres of cool giants.
Boo and