ISOPHOT Workshop on PHT32 Oversampled Mapping: ---------------------------------------------- Second Announcement ------------------- Organizing Committee: C. Gabriel R. Laureijs N. Lu J. Matagne S. Peschke B. Schulz (Chair) R. Tuffs This is the second announcement of the "Workshop on processing PHT32 oversampled maps". Due to the considerable interest following our first announcement, and the limitation to a maximum of 10 participants per session, there will be two workshops in VILSPA and one at IPAC. The first two workshops (VILSPA 1 and VILSPA 2) will be held in the ISO Data Centre in Villafranca del Castillo, Spain, in the weeks of February 12-16, 2001 and March 12-16, 2001. The workshop for the US community will be held at the Infrared Data Processing Center in Pasadena, CA, USA, in the week of March 26-30, 2001 The workshop will consist of lectures and talks in the mornings and hands-on work tutored by experts in the afternoons. The last day of each workshop will be dedicated to small presentations of results achieved during the week. However, already in the first days of each workshop we would welcome short presentations of scientific cases under analysis. If you intend to do so, please submit an abstract to "" before the applicable deadline given below. During the workshops we can only keep a limited flexibility of the schedule, to incorporate unforeseen presentations. We intend to distribute the software to the participants by 17 January 2001. At present we are still busy with tests and improvements. For the VILSPA Workshop Participants: The first workshop in VILSPA will begin immediately after "The Calibration Legacy of the ISO Mission Conference" in order to minimize travel expenses for persons who wish to attend both meetings. Since we are organizing two workshops in VILSPA, we need a statement by all VILSPA participants (including the already registered ones) by December 15, 2000, which date they prefer (see questionnaire below). We will inform all participants soon after this deadline about their final schedule. The sessions for each workshop start Monday morning at 10:00 am. The workshops end in the afternoon of Friday. Throughout the week we will organize a dayly mini-van transportation to VILSPA and back to San Lorenzo de El Escorial, which is in a nice location about 30 km away from VILSPA at the foot of the Sierra Guadarrama. Hotel reservations should be made through Ana Willis ( before 17 January 2001. Please visit also our WWW-page for more information: For the IPAC Workshop Participants: The deadline for registration is January 29, 2001. However early registration is highly recommended as we can only support a limited number of participants. More information for the IPAC workshop participants will be provided in a later announcement and at the ISO WWW-page at IPAC: Dates and Deadlines ------------------- 15 Dec 2000 final registration and submission of abstracts deadline for VILSPA workshop 17 Jan 2001 deadline for hotel reservation for VILSPA workshops and distribution of software to participants 29 Jan 2001 final registration and submission of abstracts deadline for IPAC workshop 12-16 Feb 2001 First workshop in VILSPA (VILSPA 1) 12-16 Mar 2001 Second workshop in VILSPA (VILSPA 2) 26-30 Mar 2001 Workshop in IPAC (IPAC) 4 May 2001 deadline for contributed papers If you are interested, please return the lower part of this email to: ------------------------------------------------------------------- ISOPHOT P32 Workshop on Oversampled Mapping ------------------------------------------- Please send back before 15 Dec 2000. First Name: Last Name: Affiliation: Address: email: I want to participate in the following workshop: VILSPA 1 ( ) VILSPA 2 ( ) IPAC ( ) I already participate in the conference "The Calibration Legacy of the ISO Mission" and would like to attend the workshop VILSPA 1. Yes ( ) No ( ) I want a hotel reservation. Yes ( ) No ( ) If yes, please contact Ana Willis ( I would like to give a presentation with the following title: ............................................................ -------------------------------------------------------------------