PHT-S exhibits a steep beam profile in particular in the cross-dispersion (spacecraft y-axis) direction, see Section4.5.1.3. As a consequence, a small pointing offset can cause both a significant absolute flux offset and a change of the relative spectral shape. The latter is also visible via flux jumps at the wavelength borders of the order sorting filters. These borders are situated at 3.7m for the PHT-SS array and 8.8m for the PHT-SL array.
Caveat: The accuracies for PHT-S point source spectrophotometry are only valid for sources within 3arcsec of the centre of the aperture. Off-pointings can lead to significant flux losses and modifications of the spectral shape. Conspicuous artifacts are flux jumps at the wavelengths of the order sorting filter transitions at 3.7m for the SS array and 8.8m for the SL array.
It is therefore advisable to cross-check the PHT-S pointing with independent determinations of the source position.