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13.1 Overview

This chapter contains detailed descriptions of all ISOPHOT OLP products except for the Cal-G files (see Chapter 14). The contents and structure of the FITS headers and records are presented. References to additional information given in this manual are provided.

The PHT instrument incorporates several subsystems including single detector photometers, detector arrays and a low-resolution grating spectrometer. Those can be operated with several filters, polarisers and apertures in single pointing and raster pointing mode, the latter with different sampling steps by the chopper. This means that a wide variety of products are produced for the various detectors and operating modes.

All products have header information which can be divided into the following categories.

Table 13.1 gives a summary of ISO common fields in headers. More information is available in the `ISO Handbook Vol. I: ISO - Mission & Satellite Overview', [20].

Table 13.1: List of ISO common fields in the product header.
Field   Description
OLPVERS Version of OLP used to generate this file
CALGVERS Version of the calibration files used to generate this file
EOHA... Executed Observation History per AOT
ATT... Attitude information
TREF... Information on Spacecraft motion
GPSC... General prefix for main science ERD/SPD
GEPR... General prefix for ERD files
ISR... Information on events logged during the execution
  of the observation from the `instrument station report'
  which was generated on-line by the real-time and
  quick-look analysis (RTA/QLA) software.
VERS.. Versions of files from previous steps used in OLP

For the binary FITS records, the following abbreviations are used in the tables given in this chapter:

 Off		 offset in bytes of field in record 
 N		 number of values 
 T		 type of field (I=integer, R=real, C=character, L=logical)

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ISO Handbook Volume IV (PHT), Version 2.0.1, SAI/1999-069/Dc