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7.1 Inventory and Naming Convention

When an observer receives data from the ISO Data Archive, the set of files will mainly consist of files prefixed by the letter 'L' followed by a three letter code giving the product type (see below). Other product files e.g. EOHI are general files which are not needed for most purposes. Each product file will also consist of an 8 figure number which is unique for each observation. The first three digits refer to the revolution number, the next three to the sequence within the revolution and the final two is a number defined by the observer.

e.g. file LSAN74201208.fits:

'L' indicates that it is an LWS file
'SAN' is the code for the Auto-Analysis product (see below)
742 is the revolution number
012 indicates that this is the 12th observation in the revolution
08 was the number assigned by the observer

The convention for the product code is

  LC**   -  LWS Calibration file   (These are  not observation-dependent)
  LGER   -  LWS Grating ERD file
  LGIF   -  LWS Auto-Analysis group information file
  LIAC   -  LWS Auto-Analysis illuminator summary file
  LIER   -  LWS Illuminator ERD file
  LIPD   -  LWS Illuminator processed data
  LLER   -  LWS Long-wavelength Fabry-P\'erot ERD file
  LPAA   -  LWS Parallel AAR file
  LPAD   -  LWS Parallel reduced AAR file
  LPSP   -  LWS Parallel SPD file
  LSAA   -  LWS Serendipity AAR file
  LSAN   -  LWS Auto-Analysis product file - (this file contains the
                calibrated spectra) 
  LSCA   -  LWS Auto-Analysis scan summary file
  LSER   -  LWS Short-wavelength Fabry-P\'erot ERD file
  LSPD   -  LWS SPD file
  LSSP   -  LWS Serendipity SPD file
  LSTA   -  LWS Compact Status History file
  LWGH   -  LWS Glitch History file
  LWHK   -  LWS Housekeeping ERD file
 (LSNR)  -  LWS Auto-Analysis product file without responsivity corrections
            (this file is no longer produced since OLP Version 8)

The details about the LWS calibration files LC** are given in Section 7.3. Depending on the observing mode that has been used, different sets of files have been produced.

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ISO Handbook Volume III (LWS), Version 2.1, SAI/1999-057/Dc