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E.2 Browse Products after OLP
E.2.1 Survey products
These are fully reduced standard data sets, either FITS images or
ASCII FITS tables, for survey-type work. Although these products
contain fully reduced data, it must be emphasised that the
processing is done in a standard and automatic way which does not
involve any scientific judgement. These products may serve for
statistical or survey-type analysis of large samples.
E.2.2 Icons and postcards
These are static representations in GIF-format of the survey
products. Icons are small images intended to give an impression of
the data: photometry, an image or a spectrum. Postcards are
essentially enlarged icons with annotations added to give users an
impression of the flux levels and wavelengths covered. Icons and
postcards facilitate a quick-look to scan the data for their
particular purposes and identify which data need to be retrieved.
These should never be used for scientific work. The postcards are
also used to give a quick look impression of the ISO data for a
given observation when browsing through ISO information from other
archives/databases, in the framework of the Virtual Observatories,
within the so-called Postcard Server. Through calling a URL / Java
Server Page (JSP) containing the ISO observation identifier, it
returns the ISO postcard (GIF image) of this observation and
ancillary information embedded into an HTML page (e.g. the
observation quality flag or the status of validation of the
observation mode used. Links are also provided to specific
sections of the ISO Handbook.
A short description follows of the main, instrument-dependent,
characteristics of the browse products. More details can be found
in the relevant instrument volumes of the ISO Handbook.
Survey Products
These products are the equivalent of
the AAR, giving the image from the CMOS
file when it exists and CMAP otherwise.
Icons and Postcards
The postcard is the image of the survey product projected in
RA,DEC coordinates. It contains a grey-scale coded wedge to
indicate flux levels. The
icon is a small version of the CMAP/CMOS image shown in detector
coordinates. For the CAM spectral observations (CAM04) the mean
image of all
wavelengths is displayed; the spectrum shown is that of the innermost
10 pixels. Up to four multi-filter or multi-PFOV measurements
(for a given
observation) are shown inside the corresponding icon.
Survey Products
The following processing steps are applied to the standard AAR
LSAN file:
- Remove all data points with bad status
- Clip outliers
- Remove individual scans which are inconsistent with the
majority of the scans
- Average the remaining scans for each
It should be noted that the resulting spectrum is not stitched
together nor is it averaged across detectors. Also, no defringing is applied.
Icons and Postcards
Postcard and icon are spectra. In the case of a raster map only
the spectrum of
the central point is presented.
Survey Products
The survey product is the equivalent of AAR. No survey product is
derived for polarisation observations.
Icons and Postcards
Depending on the observing mode, postcards and icons are:
spectrum or flux per filter against wavelength plots (single or
multi-filter staring observations with PHT-P, spectrophotometry
with PHT-S)
flux against aperture size (multi-aperture
image (single filter raster maps with PHT-P and PHT-C)
mosaic (raster map with PHT-S, multi-filter image for PHT-P and
Survey Products
The following processing steps are applied to the standard AAR file:
- Remove all data points with bad or unreliable status
- Flatfield the data such that all detectors are scaled to the same
- Clip outliers using sigma clipping
- Rebin the data to a grid with the nominal resolution
Icons and Postcards
Postcard and icon are spectra which are presented in a mosaic
form when the observation contains more than one wavelength range.
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ISO Handbook Volume I (GEN), Version 2.0, SAI/2000-035/Dc