Inventory of ISO publications
In order to offer a complete bibliographic information to the
ISO Data Archive users, we try to keep track of all publications
involving ISO data, and of all observations used for these
publications. The ISO Data Archive
provides the references of the publications
involving any selected observation and a link to their
Astrophysics Data System (ADS) entry1.2.
Your contribution in this matter can greatly help keeping
an information as comprehensive as possible and we therefore
ask you to kindly provide the following information for each
of your publications:
- complete reference of the article (or preprint)
- list of TDT numbers and instrument modes of
the observations that you have exploited for the publication
You can send the information either by e-mail to:
or by normal mail to:
ISO Project Scientist
(ISO Preprints)
ESA Satellite Tracking Station
Villafranca del Castillo
P.O. Box 50727
28080 Madrid, Spain