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D.3 Aperture Pointing History (APPH)

This file contains the history of the aperture pointing.

D.3.1 Primary header

The APPH file contains a primary header with the fields described in Table D.6. In this example non-mandatory fields are filled with example values.

Table D.6: APPH primary header.
Keyword Value Description
BITPIX = 8 /
NAXIS = 0 /
ORIGIN = 'ESA ' / European Space Agency
TELESCOP = 'ISO ' / Infrared Space Observatory
COMMENT   Attributes of instantiated Observations
FILENAME = 'APPH ' / File name in ISO archive
DATE = '09/07/95' / Creation date
FILEVERS = '0298 ' / Version ID in ISO archive
OLPVERS = 'OLP_21 ' / SOC OLP system version
CALGVERS = 'CALG_31 ' / SOC OLP CAL-G files version
TSTART = '96117194942' / Start time of interval covered (YYDDDHHMMSS)
TSTOP = '96118194608' / End time of interval covered (YYDDDHHMMSS)
GENTIM = '96118164552' / Time of generation of this file (YYDDDHHMMSS)
REVNUM = 162 / Revolution number
APHVERS = 1 / APH version number

D.3.2 Records

The APPH file contains records described in Table D.7.

Table D.7: APPH records.
Keyword Number Format Description
SLEWSTA 2 I4 Start time of slew to target as seconds since
      1989.0 (UTC) followed by remaining fraction of second
SLEWEND 2 I4 End time of slew to target, as above
RA 1 R8 RA of intended view direction in degrees
DEC 1 R8 DEC of intended view direction in degrees
OTFTHRES 1 R4 On-target flag threshold in arcsec
INSTID 1 A1 Instrument ID (C,L,P,S or Z for QSS)
REQTYPE 1 A1 Type of request: 'P'ointing, 'R'aster or 'T'racking
APERTID 1 I2 Aperture identification: from 0 to 4
NGRID 1 I2 Number of grid points on a scan, from 1 to 32$^2$
NRASTER 1 I2 Number of lines in the raster, from 1 to 32$^2$
TSLEW1 1 I2 Time to slew and dwell on 1st point$^{1,2}$
TSLEW2 1 I2 Ditto for a point on the current line$^{1,2}$
TSLEW3 1 I2 Ditto for 1st point on next line$^{1,2}$
SCANDIST 1 I2 Distance between points on a scanline. Units are usually
      arcseconds but if REQTYPE=`T' then SCANDIST is
      defined in units of 0.01 arcseconds$^2$
LINEDIST 1 I2 Distance between scan lines in arcsec$^2$
ORIENT 1 I1 Orientation raster flag
      0=Raster at an angle ROTATE to North
      1=Raster starts parallel to the S/C y-axis
SPARE 5 I1 Spare
ROTATE 1 R4 Rotation of raster pattern, in degrees. 0 $<$ ROTATE $<$ 360
QSSQUAT 4 R8 QSS quaternion for the intended viewing direction.
      Refers to raster centre if REQTYPE is R or T
MISQUAT 4 R8 QSS/Star-Tracker misalignment quaternion
STARVEC 3 R8 Guide star unit vector
REFSTAR 1 R4 Guide star reference number in catalogue
SOLASPCT 1 R4 Solar aspect angle, in degrees
RPEAMP 1 R4 RPE amplitude, in arcsecs
ATTCONT 1 I1 Attitude continuation flag
      1=different aperture but same instrument and target
      as previous record
CONTINGE 1 I1 Contingency flag
      0=no contingency
      1=target attitude not acquired
      2=no QSS/STR misalignment available
SPARE2 2 I1 Spare

The unit for this is seconds, however it is stored as an unsigned integer. Zero time is therefore equivalent to 32768.
Details of the schedule and directions of individual raster points are calculated and given in the IRPH file.

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ISO Handbook Volume I (GEN), Version 2.0, SAI/2000-035/Dc