The ESA Astrophysics Division and the ISOCAM consortium developed jointly the CAM Interactive Analysis (CIA) software package. CIA runs under IDL and many routines are available for the processing and scientific analysis of ISOCAM data.
A quick look at what can be done with the help of CIA can be found in the CIA Quick Reference Card, available at:
ISO Explanatory Library
For users interested in interactive processing of ISOCAM data, starting from the raw data products, we recommend the use of CIA after retrieval of the CISP (raw exposure information, no calibration applied) and IIPH (coordinate information) files, from IDA. The CISP is the recommended starting point for CIA based work. If the user is not planning to use CIA then the calibration files (contained in CIA) must also be retrieved. The content of the above-listed files (also conforming to FITS standard) is extensively explained in Chapters 5 and 6 of this volume.