ISO POINTING FOR SOLAR SYSTEM OBJECTS ------------------------------------- The absolute ISO pointing was usually within a few arcsec of the specified coordinates. But in case of SSOs the ephemeris were not always perfectly known at the time of the planning of the observations, especially for newly discovered comets. For those cases a independent checking of the ISO pointing (given in the IIPH file with one RA, Dec-entry every 0.5 sec) and the ISOcentric cooridnates of the SSO is recommended. How to check if the pointing of ISO was okay: Download all IDL routines (you will also need the IDL 'astrolib' library) and the ISO orbit file from: ftp anonymous "your email address" cd pub/idc/tmueller/pointing/ prompt mget * quit The following files should now be in your directory: ORBIT.FITS : ISO orbit file [ README : this README file : accesses the ORBIT file : coordinate transformation : additional functions : read common blocks : main programme : map the ISO orbit file : angular distance on a sphere : coordinate transformation Thanks go to Mrs. R. Gonzales from IUE for supplying basic routines for parallax correction. Further software contributions and modifications are comming from: B. Schulz, U. Kinkel, J. Acosta and T. Mueller." I) Take the start and end times (timekeys TK) of the observation from the 'Compact Status (PSTA*, SSTA*, CSTA* or LSTA*)', given in the FITS header: EOHAUTCS: Approx. UTC of start of observation EOHAUTCE: Approx. UTC of end of observation which is given in YYDOYHHMMSS (YY: year, DOY: day of year, HH: hour, MM: minute, SS: second; conversion to calender date: use, included in II) Calculate the precise 'geocentric positions [deg]' and distances 'earth-SSO [AU]' for both times with a reliable Ephemeristool (IAU, JPL, ...) III) Calculate the 'ISOcentric' position of your object for both times ( INPUT: geocentric RA [deg] geocentric Dec [deg] Delta (earth-SSO) [AU] ISO Timekey [YYDOYHHMMSS] OUTPUT: ISOcentric RA [deg] ISOcentric Dec [deg] at the given timekey EXAMPLE: isocentric_pos,233.232323, -23.232323, 2.23235442, '98033232323' ==> sso_ra1: 233.22280 sso_dec1: -23.229098 isocentric_pos,233.232367, -23.236724, 2.23235442, '98033235903' ==> sso_ra2: 233.22349 sso_dec2: -23.233496 WARNING: 'isocentric_pos' can take some time (the ISO orbit file is quite big. IV) Compare the ISO pointing with the ISOcentric coordinates of your object (Please replace 'xxxxxxxx' by the ISO TDT-OSN number) fname='IIPHxxxxxxxx.FITS' OPENR, UNIT, fname, /BLOCK, /GET_LUN FXBOPEN, UNIT, fname, 1, EHDR FXBREAD, unit, RA, 'CRA' FXBREAD, unit, DEC, 'CDEC' FXBCLOSE, unit plot,ra,dec,psym=3 oplot,[sso_ra1,sso_ra2],[sso_dec1,sso_dec2] ; calculate the median offset print,'average offset [arcsec]: ',$ (sphdist(double(median(ra)),double(median(dec)),$ double((sso_ra1+sso_ra2)/2),$ double((sso_dec1+sso_dec2)/2)))*3600. ==> compare the offset with your aperture size and the beam profile