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Water vapour on Titan

(Hi-Res: JPEG)
Spectra: ESA/ISO/SWS and Coustenis/Salama et al.
Photo of Titan: JPL, Voyager 2, 23 August 1981

Young stars in the Horsehead region

Left: By visible light, Right: By infrared (Hi-Res: TIFF)

Centaurus A: galaxies after collission

Left: Visible light,
(Hi-Res: Postscript)

Centre: Infrared,
(Hi-Res: Postscript)

Right: Radio (+ infrared),
(Hi-Res: Postscript)

Distant infrared galaxies in deep fields

Left: Northern deep field (in Ursa Major), Right: Southern deep field (in Tucana)

Left: Northern deep field
(in Ursa Major),
(Hi-Res: Postscript)
Right: Southern deep field (in Tucana)
(Hi-Res: Postscript)