New Version of the ISO Data Archive installed on 25/01/1999
On the morning of the 25th of January 1999, a new version of the ISO Data
Archive software was installed.
Some minor modifications have been brought such as :
- Better handling when moving big numbers of observations in shopping basket
- Add a "Delete All" button to the Shopping Basket Panel
- Offer FTP download time estimation, instead of doing it automatically
- Make the FTP download time estimation faster and avoid negative FTP download time !
- Quota calculation now done on daily basis instead of weekly basis
- Avoid hanging when no data is selected
- Perform query even if no radius is selected
- Decouple radius from coordinate system
- Update some help text
- Correct typo for CAM and LWS //
The ISO Data Archive can be accessed at
in the Data Archive section.
C. Arviset, ISO Data Centre, 29/01/1999