Collaboration between Konkoly Observatory and the ISO Data Centre

Aim of the collaboration

According to a contract signed on July 22, 2002 seven man-years of efforts will be spent on ISOPHOT-related work at Konkoly Observatory during the period of 2002-2006. The main scope of the ESA funded project is preparation of ISOPHOT data sets for ingestion into the ISO Data Archive as Expert Reduced Data, by improving the calibration of individual observing modes and by systematically reducing ISOPHOT observations according to the improved calibration. The results will also be published in the form of easy-to-use electronic catalogues and atlases. The work is coordinated with the ISOPHOT Data Centre at MPIA.

Expected output

Improved data processing methods and calibration files

These results will be communicated to the ISO Data Centre,  in order to make them available for the Community, via the ISO Data Archive.

Data products

 [1] Expert Reduced Data for the Archive delivered per observing mode
 [2] Easy-to-use catalogues, atlases


Contribution to helpdesk service of the IDC

For more information see the Homepage of the ISOPHOT group at Konkoly Observatory

Péter Ábrahám, Konkoly Observatory & Alberto Salama, ISO Data Centre, 27/09/2002