New Version (v9.0) of the ISO Data Archive installed on 27/07/2005
On the 27th of July of 2005, a new version (v9.0) of
the ISO Data Archive (IDA) software was installed.
The major improvements of this new version are :
IDAv9.0 incorporates the option to retrieve the most reliable dataset associated
to a given observation. The "Default Dataset" can be: The best Highly Processed
Data Products (HPDP) associated to the observation or the Off-Line Processing Pipeline v10.1 products.
The new "Retrieve Default Dataset" option is available for direct download or by
the shopping basket option.
Survey products, icon and postcards generated by the Off-Line Processing Pipeline v10.1 are replaced by the
ones created from the HPDP when available.
The HPDPs selected as the recommended/default dataset are highlighted in the HPDPs main panel
and appears as the first option in the list of HPDPs available for a given observation.
Data Quality Reports have been better sorted to include the detailed information
of the best HPDP (default dataset) when available.
Quality Flags have been splitted into two different groups: list of flags which
affect a given observation and a list of quality flags per instrument related to
pipeline processing and calibration scheme restrictions. Queries based on the
first group of flags are possible.
New facility ds9 is available from the postcards.
Various bug fixes:
Improved searching and display of the HPDP catalogues
Further minor fixes have been implemented.
The ISO Data Archive can be accessed at
Eva Verdugo, ISO Data Centre, 27/07/2005