New Version (v8.0) of the ISO Data Archive installed on 10/05/2005
On the 10th of May of 2005, a new version (v8.0) of
the ISO Data Archive (IDA) software was installed.
This new version incorporates into the ISO Data Archive some new
functionalities that have been developed for other archives at ESAC (XMM-Newton,
Planetary Science,...) such as:
Navigation between previously executed queries and results.
Added option to Save/Load IDA sessions from/to file. Customizable save of results into various formats.
User auto registration.
Ported to swing, improved Look&Feel and user friendliness while still supporting Java 1.1.
Better support for Macintosh platform.
Find search parameter functions allow the user to easily locate query parameters.
Customizable save of results into various formats.
Added contextual help to several places in the user interface.
Improved display of query results.
Better overall performance.
The ISO Data Archive 8.0 can be accessed at the url:
Christophe ARVISET, ISO Data Centre, 10/05/2005