ISO beyond the Peaks

(2-4 February 2000, ESAC)

Instructions to authors

Instructions to authors for the proceedings of "ISO beyond the Peaks":
LaTeX template and style files

The proceedings of the "ISO beyond the Peaks" conference will be published in ESA special publication series (SP-456). All papers must be written using the designated LaTeX macros and submitted electronically.

The maximum number of pages per paper are as follows:

            - 6 pages for invited talks

            - 4 pages for contributed talks and posters

The deadline for submitting papers is 15 March 2000.

In order to prepare your paper, you need to download the files sample.tex and ISOStyle.cls. The first file is a template with technical instructions and the second is the LaTeX document class to be used. Please do not use other style files. You may wish to retrieve the file which is the postscript file of sample.tex and shows the resulting layout as an example.

Name your contributions using your name and initial and number in case you have several contributions. E.g. John Smith with two papers would have files smithj_1.tex for the input file of the first article, for the output file of the first article, smithj1_1.eps for the first figure in the first article etc. For the second article the files would be smithj_2.tex, and smithj1_2.eps respectively.

The files should be sent to and preferentially in one mail per contribution with individual files as attachements. The files required:

            - the input LaTeX file of the text
            - the output Postscript file of the article
            - figures in Postscript format

In case of questions, please contact helpdesk in the above mentioned Email address.