PHT-Interactive Analysis Development Team
The PHT Interactive Analysis was developed in team-work. The team was composed
by people from different organisations located at different sites:
ACTUAL members
Carlos Gabriel

European Space Agency,
Astrophysics Division (ESA/VILSPA-SAI) - Spain
Architectural design, team direction, S/W main coding.
Responsible for the PIA development team since its creation in April
1994, continuing througout the mission. Location: now VILSPA, Spain.
e-mail address:
FORMER members
Jose Acosta

Instituto de Astrofisica
de Canarias (IAC) - Tenerife, Spain
Implementation/extension of several calibration processing sequences.
Within the PIA development team from January 1996 until June 1999 [but
still collaborating]. Location: Tenerife, Spain
e-mail address:
Ingolf Heinrichsen

Max Planck Institute
for Nuclear Physics (MPIK) - Germany (left to IPAC, Pasadena, USA)
Documentation, S/W testing, implementation of focal plane geometry analysis.
Within the PIA development team from April 1995 to April 1998. Location:
VILSPA, Spain.
e-mail address:
Detlef Skaley
Max Planck Institute for Nuclear Physics (MPIK) - Heidelberg, Germany (left
to Max-Planck Institute for Radioastronomy, MPIR, Bonn)
Design and coding of mapping S/W, special plot routines.
Within the PIA development from Mai 1994 to March 1995. Location: Heidelberg,
e-mail address:
Wai Ming Tai

Dublin Institute for
Advanced Studies (DIAS) - Ireland
System work, calibration files I/O, html implementations.
Within the PIA development team since July 1994 until December 1996.
Location: Dublin, Ireland.
e-mail address:
Huw Morris

Rutherford Appleton
Laboratory (DRAL) - United Kingdom
Processing algorithms implementation.
(Very shy. For evident reasons rejected to deliver a photograph of himself)
Within the PIA development team from July 1994 to February 1996. Location:
Chilton, UK.
e-mail address:
Paola Merluzzi

Astronomical Institute
Potsdam (AIP) - Potsdam, Germany
Serendipity Mode Analysis first implementation.
Within the PIA development team from April 1995 to April 1996. Location:
Potsdam, Germany.
e-mail address:
Several people have contributed to the PIA development through ideas, requirements,
routines. It is a pleasure to thank the PHT Instrument Dedicated Team members
Ulrich Kinkel and Ulrich Klaas (Max-Planck Institute for Astronomy, Heidelberg,
MPIA), Rene Laureijs and Bernhard Schulz (ESA/VILSPA-SAI). We thank also
Joseph Schubert, Stephan Bogun and Manfred Stickel (MPIA), Richard Tuffs
(MPIK), and the two students Andreas Karch and Thorsten Reimann. A special
mention deserves helpers in the "documentation front": Martin Haas, Uwe
Herbstmeier, Alison Rushworth, Kirsten Kunkel and Karsten Wilke (MPIA).