NAME: TBDELCOL PURPOSE: Delete a column of data from a FITS 3_D binary table CALLING SEQUENCE: tbdelcol, h, tab, name INPUTS-OUPUTS h,tab - FITS table header and data array. H and TAB will be updated with the specified column deleted INPUTS: name - Either (1) a string giving the name of the column to delete or (2) a scalar giving the column number to delete EXAMPLE: Delete the column "FLUX" from FITS 3D table IDL> TBDELCOL, H, TAB, 'FLUX' REVISION HISTORY: Written W. Landsman STX Co. August, 1988 Adapted for IDL Version 2, J. Isensee, July, 1990
(See /usr/local/idl/lib/zastron/fits_3dtable/
NAME: TBDELROW PURPOSE: Delete a row of data from a FITS table CALLING SEQUENCE: tbdelrow, h, tab, rows INPUTS-OUPUTS h,tab - FITS table header and data array. H and TAB will be updated on output with the specified row(s) deleted. rows - scalar or vector, specifying the row numbers to delete First row has index 0. If a vector it will be sorted and duplicates removed by TBDELROW EXAMPLE: Compress a table to include only non-negative flux values flux = TBGET(h,tab,'FLUX') ;Obtain original flux vector bad = where(flux lt 0) ;Find negative fluxes TBDELROW,h,tab,bad ;Delete rows with negative fluxes PROCEDURE: Specified rows are deleted from the data array, TAB. The NAXIS2 keyword in the header is updated. REVISION HISTORY: Written W. Landsman STX Co. August, 1988 Checked for IDL Version 2, J. Isensee, July, 1990
(See /usr/local/idl/lib/zastron/fits_3dtable/
NAME: TBDIR PURPOSE: Provide a brief description of the disk FITS tables on a directory The # of columns and rows, and the name of the first five columns are displayed for each table. CALLING SEQUENCE: tbdir, directory, [ TEXTOUT = ] INPUT PARAMETERS: DIRECTORY - String giving the disk or directory to be searched. Wildcard directory values are allowed. If not given TBDIR searches the default directory. In VMS: Examples of valid strings include 'LINEAR:', 'UIT$USER2:', 'S*', or '[...]'. In Unix: Valid strings must include trailing slash for a directory specification. EX: '/tables' OUTPUT PARAMETERS: None. OPTIONAL KEYWORD INPUT: TEXTOUT - Directs output display (see TEXTOPEN for more info) textout=1 TERMINAL using /more option textout=2 TERMINAL without /more option textout=3.prt textout=4 laser.tmp textout=5 user must open file textout = filename (default extension of .prt) RESTRICTIONS: Only files with header extensions *.HHH and with XTENSION keyword of BINTABLE or A3DTABLE are searched. Certain fields on the output display may be trunctated if they are too long. METHOD: FINDFILE is used to find all *.hhh files on directory. Each header is checked for an XTENSION keyword equal to BINTABLE or A3DTABLE The values of the FITS parameters NAXIS1, NAXIS2, TFIELDS and EXTNAME are printed SYSTEM VARIABLES: !TEXTOUT is used as a default if the TEXTOUT keyword is not supplied PROCEDURES USED: SXHREAD, TEXTOPEN,TEXTCLOSE Also uses non-standard system variables !TEXTUNIT and !TEXTOUT MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written, W. Landsman, ST Systems Corporation February 1988 Rewritten for Unix compatibility, use EXTNAME keyword W. Landsman August 1991
(See /usr/local/idl/lib/zastron/fits_3dtable/
NAME: TBGET PURPOSE: Function to return value(s) from specified column in a binary FITS table CALLING SEQUENCE values = tbget( h, tab, field, [ rows, nulls ] ) INPUTS: h - Binary FITS header returned by TBREAD tab - Binary FITS table array returned by TBREAD field - field name or number OPTIONAL INPUTS: rows - scalar or vector giving row number(s) Row numbers start at 0. If not supplied or set to -1 then values for all rows are returned OUTPUTS: the values for the row are returned as the function value. Null values are set to 0 or blanks for strings. OPTIONAL OUTPUT: nulls - null value flag of same length as the returned data. It is set to 1 at null value positions and 0 elsewhere. If supplied then the optional input, rows, must also be supplied. HISTORY: Written W. Landsman February, 1991 Work for string and complex W. Landsman April, 1993
(See /usr/local/idl/lib/zastron/fits_3dtable/
NAME: TBHELP PURPOSE: Routine to print a description of a disk 3D binary FITS table CALLING SEQUENCE: tbhelp, h INPUTS: h - FITS header for a binary table, string array METHOD: FITS 3D Table keywords NAXIS*,EXTNAME,TFIELDS,TTYPE*,TFORM*,TUNIT*, are read from the header and displayed at the terminal A FITS header is recognized as bein for a binary table if the keyword XTENSION has the value 'BINTABLE' or 'A3DTABLE' NOTES: Certain fields may be truncated in the display HISTORY: W. Landsman February, 1991 Parsing of a FITS binary header made more robust May, 1992
(See /usr/local/idl/lib/zastron/fits_3dtable/
NAME: TBINFO PURPOSE: Procedure to return information on the specified field in a FITS binary table. CALLING SEQUENCE: tbinfo, h, tbcol, width, idltype, numval, tunit, tnull, tform, ttype, maxval INPUTS: h - FITS table header OUTPUTS: tbcol - starting column position in bytes, integer vector width - width of the field in bytes, integer vector idltype - idltype of field, byte vector 7 - string, 4- real*4, 3-integer*4, 5-real*8 tunit - string unit numbers, string vector tnull - null value for the field, string vector tform - format for the field, string vector ttype - field name, string vector maxval- maximum number of elements in a variable length array, long vector SIDE EFFECTS: If there are difficulties interpreting the table then !ERR is set to -1 HISTORY: D. Lindler July, 1987 W. Thompson, Feb. 1992, added support for 'B', 'C', and 'M' formats. W. Landsman handle formats without repeat counts. Sep. 1993
(See /usr/local/idl/lib/zastron/fits_3dtable/
NAME: TBPRINT PURPOSE: Procedure to print specified columns and rows of a FITS table CALLING SEQUENCE: tbprint, h, tab, columns, [ rows, TEXTOUT = ] INPUTS: h - Fits header for table, string array tab - table array columns - string giving column names, or vector giving column numbers (beginning with 1). If string supplied then column names should be separated by comma's. rows - (optional) vector of row numbers to print. If not supplied or set to scalar, -1, then all rows are printed. OUTPUTS: None KEYWORDS: TEXTOUT controls the output device; see the procedure TEXTOPEN SYSTEM VARIABLES: Uses nonstandard system variables !TEXTOUT and !TEXTOPEN Set !TEXTOUT = 3 to direct output to a disk file. The system variable is overriden by the value of the keyword TEXTOUT EXAMPLES: tbprint,h,tab,'STAR ID,RA,DEC' ;print id,ra,dec for all stars tbprint,h,tab,[2,3,4],indgen(100) ;print columns 2-4 for first 100 stars tbprint,h,tab,text="STARS.DAT" ;Convert entire FITS table to ;an ASCII file named STARS.DAT PROCEDURES USED: TEXTOPEN,TEXTCLOSE,TBSIZE,TBINFO RESTRICTIONS: (1) Program does not check whether output length exceeds output device capacity (e.g. 80 or 132). (2) Column heading may be truncated to fit in space defined by the FORMAT specified for the column (3) Program does not check for null values HISTORY: version 1 D. Lindler Feb. 1987
(See /usr/local/idl/lib/zastron/fits_3dtable/
NAME: TBREAD PURPOSE: Procedure to read an internal FITS binary table file CALLING SEQUENCE: tbread, fname, h, tab, [ unit ] INPUTS: fname - name of table header file (if qualifier not supplied then .HHH is assummed) OUTPUTS: h - FITS header, string array tab - table array (2-D byte array) OPTIONAL INPUTS: unit - unit number (1 to 9) to use for I/O (default=1) PROCEDURES CALLED: ZPARCHECK, SXREAD HISTORY: Written W. Landsman February, 1991
(See /usr/local/idl/lib/zastron/fits_3dtable/
NAME: TBSIZE PURPOSE: Procedure to return the size of a fits table. CALLING SEQUENCE: tbsize, h, tab, ncols, nrows, tfields, ncols_all, nrows_all INPUTS: h - FITS table header tab - fits table array OUTPUTS: ncols - number of characters per row in table nrows - number of rows in table tfields - number of fields per row ncols_all - number of characters/row allocated (size of tab) nrows_all - number of rows allocated HISTORY D. Lindler July, 1987
(See /usr/local/idl/lib/zastron/fits_3dtable/