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C.1 Summary of Uplink Changes

This appendix gives details of any changes to the uplink software used to control the instrument. A list of changes is given in Table C.1 with a more complete explanation given below.

Table C.1: SWS uplink history
Uplink Revolution SPR/SCREW Comment
21.3 36+ SPR 1383 band 3 bias reduced from setting 4 to 2.
21.5 40+ - more accurate wavelengths in uplink tables.
21.6 44+ - more accurate wavelengths in uplink tables.
22.0 60+ SCREW 116 uplink time overhead reduced.
22.3 64+ SCREW 144 exact match of up and down scans in SWS01.
    SCREW 145 more precise control of the run flags at the end of a down scan.
    - improved system sensitivities and noise parameters.
    - scan ranges in SWS01 adjusted.
    - less frequent photometric checks.
    - hi-level photometric checks no longer used.
    - 3E transition moved from 28 to 27.5.
22.6 71+ - intervals between photo checks increased.
    - intervals between ref scans increased.
    - scan lengths in AOT1 50 instead of 40 steps.
23.1 71+ - better FP gap calibration.
?? 78+ - band 3 bias reduced to setting 1.
23.7 101+ SCREW 169 dark currents measured in activation.
24.0 103+ SCREW 162 maximum reset of 4 seconds allowed for band 1.
    SCREW 163 longer darks in SWS01.
    SCREW 164 disabling of reference scans in AOTs 6 and 7.
    SCREW 165 wavelength-dependent FP gap width.
    SCREW 166 FP scan repetition rate minimally 3.
    SCREW 167 avoid breaking up short FP-scans.
25.1 150+ SPR 1689 more accurate FP control table.
    SPR 1691 more ref scans for band 3.
28.0 191+ SCREW 188 grating tracking also for short FP scans.
    SCREW 189 further suppression of unnecessary ref scans in SWS07
    SCREW 190 make sure that all scans are followed by
      proper dark measurements.
    SCREW 191 delay photo checks as much as possible within the AOTs.
    SPR 1548 improved FP velocity correction.
    SPR 1787 band 1 edge moved from 4.05 to 4.08 $ \mu $m.
29.0 161, 237+ SCREW 187 acknowledge misalignment of bands 6 and 4.
30.0 336+ SCREW 232 replace very slow scans in AOTs 6 and 7 by
      repeated faster scans.
33.2 584, 590+ SPR 2307 ref scans in AOTs 6 and 7 finally disabled.

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ISO Handbook Volume V (SWS), Version 2.0.1, SAI/2000-008/Dc