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1.3 How to Contact Us

Should you need further help from ESA concerning ISO or the instrument you can:

Send a question via the ISO helpdesk at:
Look at the SWS web pages, available from:
 $ \rightarrow$ ISO Explanatory Library $ \rightarrow$ SWS.

American observers can also obtain information from IPAC by:

Sending a question to the IPAC helpdesk:
Looking at the IPAC ISO WWW page:
 $ \rightarrow$ ISO.

The Short Wavelength Spectrometer teams maintain three websites through which they may be contacted. The Dutch ISO Data Analysis Centre (DIDAC) at SRON, Groningen has its home page at:

The ISO Spectrometer Data Centre at the Max-Planck-Institut für extraterrestrische Physik (MPE), Garching, Germany has a web page at:

and the Catholic University at Leuven, Belgium, maintains the ISO SWS consortium homepage at:

Specific documents of interest to SWS users are cited in this Handbook and can be accessed via the web at the URLs given in the Bibliography.

There are two software packages specifically written to further process SWS data beyond the standard pipeline products: the Observers SWS Interactive Analysis (OSIA) and the ISO Spectral Analysis Package (ISAP) for SWS and LWS Auto Analysis Results (AAR). Both these packages can be accessed and retrieved from the ISO Web site:
 $ \rightarrow$ ISO Data Analysis Software.

Documentation is also available at this web site to guide you in the reduction of your data using these packages.

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ISO Handbook Volume V (SWS), Version 2.0.1, SAI/2000-008/Dc