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F.2 Greek Symbols

Symbol Explanation
$\alpha$ angle, right ascension
$\alpha$ chopper angle
$\alpha$ x-axis offset of the peak from the centre of the array
$\alpha_{c}$ right ascension for raster centre
$\alpha_{m,n}$ right ascension of raster point (m,n)
$\alpha_{amp}$ chopper amplitude
$\alpha_{approx}$ approximation to chopper angle
$\alpha_{linear}$ first approximation to chopper angle from linear model,
$\alpha_{sky}$ approximation to chopper angle
$\alpha$ probability that null hypothesis is rejected
$\alpha$(f,a) correction for inhomogeneous illumination in aperture a by FCS
$\alpha^{f}$(a) inhomogeneous FCS illumination for PHT-P
$\beta$ y-axis offset of the peak from the centre of the array
$\beta$ power of the dust emissivity
$\Gamma$(i,f) FCS illumination matrix
$\Gamma^{f}$(i) idem
$\delta$ declination
$\delta_{c}$ declination of raster centre
$\delta_{m,n}$ declination of raster point (m,n)
$\delta$ degrees of freedom
$\Delta$ Increment, difference, or uncertainty
$\Delta$l physical pixel size in Z-direction
${\Delta}M$, ${\Delta}N$ raster step size in M and N
$\Delta$x physical distance between pixels
$\Delta \lambda$ width of filter bandpass
$\Delta\lambda_{pix}$ PHT-S pixel width in wavelength
$\epsilon$ central obscuration factor by the secondary mirror
$\zeta$(S) signal correction function for losses due to chopper modulation
$\zeta(s_{scr}, det, t_{dwell})$ idem
$\zeta(S_{src},det,t_{dwell})$ idem
$\iota$ number of interpolations,
$\theta_{chop}$ maximum chopper deflection while mapping (PHT32 only)
$\kappa$ threshold
$\kappa_1,\kappa_2$ first and second threshold in deglitch method
$\lambda$ wavelength
$\lambda_{c}$ central wavelength of filter bandpass
$\lambda_{ref}$ reference wavelength of filter bandpass
$\lambda(i)$ centre wavelength of a pixel
$\sigma$ uncertainty or rms
$\sigma(P)$ uncertainty of detector in-band power in the selected filter band
$\sigma_{FWHM}$ uncertainty of FWHM
$\Phi$ rotation angle
$\Phi_{raster}$ raster rotation angle (ATTRROTA)
$\Phi$ spacecraft roll angle
$\varphi$(i,s(i,t),t) transfer function converting PHT-S signals s(i,t) to flux densities
$\phi$(t) orbital phase
$\chi$(i,f) relative filter-to-filter responsivity correction for detector pixel $i$
$\chi^{f}$(i) idem
$\chi$(f) idem for a given P detector
$\chi^{2}$ goodness of fit
$\Omega$ solid angle
$\Omega^{f}_{eff}$ effective solid angle for filter f,

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ISO Handbook Volume IV (PHT), Version 2.0.1, SAI/1999-069/Dc