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Rene J. Laureijs$^{1}$, Ulrich Klaas$^{2}$, Phil J. Richards$^{3}$, Bernard Schulz$^{1}$, and Peter Ábrahám$^{2,4}$

SAI-99-069/Dc, Version 2.0.1

June, 2003

$^{1}$ ISO Data Centre, Science Operations and Data Systems Division
  Research and Scientific Support Department of ESA,
  Villafranca del Castillo, P.O. Box 50727, E-28080 Madrid, Spain
$^{2}$ Max-Planck-Institut für Astronomie, ISOPHOT Data Centre,
  Königstuhl 17, D-69117 Heidelberg, Germany
$^{3}$ CCLRC, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory,
  Chilton, Didcot, Oxon OX110QX, United Kingdom
$^{4}$ Konkoly Observatory of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences,
  P.O. Box 67, H-1525 Budapest, Hungary

Document Information

Document:		The ISO Handbook ESA SP-1262

Volume: IV
Title: PHT - The Imaging Photo-Polarimeter
Reference Number: SAI-99-069/Dc
Issue: Version 2.0.1
Issue Date: June 2003
Authors: R.J. Laureijs, U. Klaas, P.J. Richards et al.
Editors: T. Müller, J. Blommaert & P. Garca-Lario
Web-Editor: J. Matagne

Document History

The ISO Handbook, Volume IV: PHT - The Imaging Photo-Polarimeter, is based on the following documents:

Document Change Record

Date Revision Comments
Oct. 99 -- Observer's Manual and Addendum merged with
    the IDUM information
15/11/99 Draft 1.0 Initial Draft for comments
30/01/00 Version 1.0 First Version of the ISO Handbook, Volume V:
    PHT - The Imaging Photo-Polarimeter;
    related to OLP 7 data products
    with an OLP8.4 update
01/11/00 Version 1.1 update, related to OLP 9.0
01/07/01 Version 1.2 update, related to OLP 10.0
08/07/02 Version 2.0 update, now Volume IV
23/06/03 Version 2.0.1 minor editorial changes, printed version

ISOPHOT Instrument Consortium
Principal Investigator
  D. Lemke MPI Astronomie, Heidelberg, Germany
  H. D. Denner Freie Universität Berlin, Germany
  L. Drury DIAS, Dublin, Ireland
  F. Garzón IAC, La Laguna, Tenerife, Spain
  E. Grün MPI Kernphysik, Heidelberg, Germany
  C. Hajduk MPI Astronomie, Heidelberg, Germany
  R. D. Joseph IRTF-NASA, Hawaii, USA
  U. Klaas MPI Astronomie, Heidelberg, Germany
  W. Krätschmer MPI Kernphysik, Heidelberg, Germany
  E. Kreysa MPI Radioastronomie, Bonn, Germany
  W. Martin MPI Astronomie, Heidelberg, now Planetarium Wolfsburg, Germany
  K. Mattila Helsinki University Observatory, Helsinki, Finland
  I. Rasmussen DSRI, Lyngby, Denmark
  B. Reipurth Copenhagen Observatory, Denmark
  J. Riedinger MPI Astronomie, Heidelberg, Germany, now ESA/ESTEC
  J. Rodríguez Espinosa IAC, La Laguna, Tenerife, Spain
  M. Rowan-Robinson ICSTM, London, United Kingdom
  H. Schnopper DSRI, Lyngby, Denmark
  M. Selby1 IAC, La Laguna, Tenerife, Spain
  C. Telesco MSFC - NASA, now Univ. Florida, USA
  H. Völk MPI Kernphysik, Heidelberg, Germany
  H. Walker RAL, Chilton, United Kingdom
  J. Wolf MPI Astronomie, Heidelberg, Germany
Scientific Associates
  J. A. Abolins RAL, Chilton, United Kingdom
  S. Beckwith MPI Astronomie, Heidelberg, Germany
  S. Bogun MPI Astronomie, Heidelberg, Germany
  H. Campins University of Florida, USA
  R. Chini MPI Radioastronomie, Bonn, Germany
  J. Gürtler Universitätssternwarte, Jena, Germany
  I. Heinrichsen MPI Astronomie/MPI Kernphysik, Heidelberg, Germany
  T. Henning Universitätssternwarte, Jena, Germany
  H. Hippelein MPI Astronomie, Heidelberg, Germany
  H. Krüger MPI Astronomie, Heidelberg, Germany
  A. Leger Univ. Paris VII, Paris, France
  C. Leinert MPI Astronomie, Heidelberg, Germany
  P. Lützow-Wentzky MPI Astronomie, Heidelberg, Germany
  P. G. Mezger MPI Radioastronomie, Bonn, Germany
  H. Nørgaard-Nielsen DSRI, Lyngby, Denmark
  W. Pfau Universitätssternwarte, Jena, Germany
  T. Ray DIAS, Dublin, Ireland
  P. Richards RAL, Chilton, United Kingdom
  S. Russell DIAS, Dublin, Ireland
  J. Schubert MPI Astronomie, Heidelberg, Germany
  E. Sedlmayr Technische Universität, Berlin, Germany
  D. Skaley MPI Kernphysik, Heidelberg, Germany
  J. Staude MPI Astronomie, Heidelberg, Germany
  C. Tilgner MPI Astronomie, Heidelberg, Germany
  R. Tuffs MPI Kernphysik, Heidelberg, Germany
  M. Wells University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom
Members of PI Team
  Peter Ábrahám (MPIA) preparation of ISOPHOT Guaranteed Time programme
  Erich Ackermann (MPIA) sensitivity calculations and confusion noise estimates (diploma thesis)
  Hans-Heinrich Altfeld (MPIA) cryo mechanics development tests (Ph.D. thesis)
  Steven Beckwith (MPIA) director, preparation of ISOPHOT Guaranteed Time programme
  Heinrich Bellemann (MPIA) head of mechanics workshop, cryo mechanics development
  Jürgen Blum (MPIA) high energy radiation impacts on IR detectors (diploma thesis)
  Stefan Bogun (MPIA) requirements for ISOPHOT Serendipity mode operations
  Matthias Botz (MPIA) characterisation of internal calibration sources (diploma thesis)
  Martin Burgdorf (MPIA) detector tests (diploma thesis), Serendipity mode simulation (Ph.D. thesis)
  Armin Böhm (MPIA) manufacture of Fine Calibration Sources for ISOPHOT
  Hans Elsässer (MPIA) managing director of the institute (until 1994)
  Edgar Fink (MPIA) head of administration, industrial contracts
  Franz Flock (MPIA) manufacture of mechanical components
  Ursula Flock (MPIA) personnel administration
  Peter Franke (MPIA) design of ISOPHOT components
  Wolfgang Fuhr (MPIA) calibration measurements and time line planning
  Carlos Gabriel (MPIA) design of pipeline software
  Ulrich Grözinger (MPIA) electronic engineer, detector testing, electronic components
  Christian Hajduk (MPIA) definition of ground segment activities
  Heidi Hajduk (MPIA) optical components design
  K. Haussecker2 (MPIA) electronic engineer, detector testing, electronic components
  Ingolf Heinrichsen (MPIA) commanding and processing software, Astronomical Observation Template (AOT) design
  Hannelore Heissler (MPIA) project administration
  Uwe Herbstmeier (MPIA) flight operation procedures, instrument end-to-end testing
  Hans Hippelein (MPIA) preparation of ISOPHOT Guaranteed Time programme
  Diethelm Johannismann (MPIA) FIR filter design (diploma thesis)
  Ulrich Kinkel3 (MPIA) calibration measurements and time line planning
  Stefan Kirches (MPIA) instrument ground testing
  Ulrich Klaas (MPIA) preparation of ISOPHOT Guaranteed Time programme, ground segment development coordination, PIDT build-up
  Harald Krüger (MPIA) ISOPHOT Guaranteed Time programme coordination, documentation (Observer's Manual)
  Christoph Leinert (MPIA) preparation of ISOPHOT Guaranteed Time programme
  Dietrich Lemke (MPIA) Principal Investigator ISOPHOT
  Dieter Lutz (MPIA) detector tests (diploma thesis)
  Peter Lützow-Wentzky (MPIA) management of industrial contracts, PIDT build-up
  Klaus Meisenheimer (MPIA) preparation of ISOPHOT Guaranteed Time programme
  Thomas Müller (MPIA) asteroids as celestial FIR standards (Ph.D. thesis)
  Tibor Pacher (MPIA) computer system management, AOT logic testing
  Guido Pelz (MPIA) preparation of real time operations
  Gabriele Roth (MPIA) detector curing methods (diploma thesis)
  Alison Rushworth (MPIA) project secretary, documentation
  Ulrich Schneider (MPIA) detector curing methods (diploma thesis)
  Joseph Schubert (MPIA) optical components, instrument ground testing and detector transients (Ph.D. thesis)
  Bernhard Schulz (MPIA) instrument ground testing (Ph.D. thesis)
  Jakob Staude (MPIA) preparation of ISOPHOT Guaranteed Time programme
  Clemens Tilgner (MPIA) instrument and system tests
  Karsten Wilke (MPIA) investigation of signal transients (diploma thesis)
  Lothar Weitzel (MPIA) detector array tests (diploma thesis)
  Lorenz Wiest (MPIA) detector tests (diploma thesis)
  Jürgen Wolf (MPIA) detector design and testing, instrument ground testing coordination
Members of Co-I teams
  Jack Abolins (RAL) Real Time software development coordinator
  Rolf Chini (MPIfR) preparation of ISOPHOT Guaranteed Time programme
  Linda Cornwall (RAL) Quick Look Analysis (QLA) software development
  Luke Drury (DIAS) preparation of ISOPHOT Guaranteed Time programme
  Francisco Garzón (IAC) project manager ISOPHOT-S, preparation of ISOPHOT Guaranteed Time programme
  Hans-Peter Gemünd (MPIfR) FIR filter and polariser development
  Eberhard Grün (MPIK) preparation of ISOPHOT Guaranteed Time programme
  Joachim Gürtler (FSJ) preparation of ISOPHOT Guaranteed Time programme
  Steve Guest (RAL) Offline Processing Pipeline (OLP) design and development
  Graham Hall (RAL) Real Time Assessment (RTA) software development
  Peter Hammersley (IAC) celestial calibration standards, preparation of ISOPHOT Guaranteed Time programme
  Thomas Henning (FSJ) preparation of ISOPHOT Guaranteed Time programme
  Reinhard Hofacker (MPIK) electronic components development
  Bob Joseph (ICSTM/IRTF) ISOPHOT-S design, preparation of ISOPHOT Guaranteed Time programme
  Carsten Kömpe (FSJ) design of calibration meausurements and calibration time line planning
  Ernst Kreysa (MPIfR) FIR filter and polariser development
  Wolfgang Krätschmer (MPIK) NIR/MIR filter and polariser procurement and testing
  Kalevi Mattila (Helsinki Observatory) preparation of ISOPHOT Guaranteed Time programme
  Peter Mezger (MPIfR) preparation of ISOPHOT Guaranteed Time programme
  Hans Ulrik Nørgaard-Nielsen (DSRI) preparation of ISOPHOT Guaranteed Time programme
  Werner Pfau (FSJ) preparation of ISOPHOT Guaranteed Time programme
  Emil Popow (AIP) instrument ground testing
  Ib Rasmussen (DSRI) Electrical Ground Segment Equipment development
  Tom Ray (DIAS) preparation of ISOPHOT Guaranteed Time programme
  Phil Richards (RAL) Offline Processing Pipeline (OLP) design and development
  Gotthard Richter (AIP) preparation of ISOPHOT Guaranteed Time programme
  José Miguel Rodríguez Espinosa (IAC) ISOPHOT-S ground testing, preparation of ISOPHOT Guaranteed Time programme
  Mike Selby4 (ICSTM/IAC) ISOPHOT-S design, stellar IR standards
  Detlef Skaley (MPIK) PHT Interactive Analysis (PIA) development
  Charles Telesco (Univ. Florida) FIR calibration standards, preparation of ISOPHOT Guaranteed Time programme
  Wai Min Tai (DIAS) PHT Interactive Analysis (PIA) development
  Richard Tuffs (MPIK) Astronomical Observation Template (AOT) design, preparation of ISOPHOT Guaranteed Time programme
  Peter Vaughan (RAL) project manager
  Heinrich Völk (MPIK) preparation of ISOPHOT Guaranteed Time programme
  Helen Walker (RAL) Astronomical Observation Template (AOT) design, preparation of ISOPHOT Guaranteed Time programme
  Martyn Wells (ICSTM/ROE) ISOPHOT-S design, preparation of ISOPHOT Guaranteed Time programme, design of calibration measurements
  Robert Wagner (MPIK) instrument ground testing analysis software development
Members of the German Space Agency
and the Industrial Teams
  Günter Albrecht (ZEISS) cold focal plane unit; production manager
  Jürgen Altmann (ZEISS) cold focal plane unit; test engineer
  Manfred Amann (Dornier) industrial prime contractor; analogue electronics
  Heiko Bäurle (ZEISS) cold focal plane unit; assembly
  Hans Peter Batroff (ZEISS) cold focal plane unit; coating
  Johann Bestler (Dornier) industrial prime contractor; electric system engineering
  Wolfgang Bollinger (ZEISS) cold focal plane unit; project manager
  Reinhold Bolz (ANTEC) infrared detectors; assembly of P detectors
  Walter Breitling (Dornier) industrial prime contractor; system engineer
  Kurt Brenner (ZEISS) cold focal plane unit; mechanical design
  Stefaan Cos (IMEC) cold readout electronics; test engineer
  Bart Dierickx (IMEC) cold readout electronics; design engineer
  Peter Dinges (ANTEC) infrared detectors; C200 design, assembly
  Stefan Dornheim (ZEISS) cold focal plane unit; production
  Albert Ebert (ZEISS) cold focal plane unit; mechanical design
  Rudolf Faymonville (ANTEC) infrared detectors; project manager
  Reiner Felten (ANTEC) infrared detectors; electronics, software
  Harald Feuer (Dornier) industrial prime contractor; instrument assembly integration test
  Vic Fonderie (IMEC) cold readout electronics; QA manager
  Jürgen Frank (Dornier) industrial prime contractor; project controller
  Danny Frederickx (IMEC) cold readout electronics
  Otto Frenzl (ANTEC) infrared detectors; system engineer, QA
  Wolfgang Fricke (Dornier) industrial prime contractor; project manager
  Hans Göhringer (ZEISS) cold focal plane unit; quality assurance
  Peter Hackel (ZEISS) cold focal plane unit; quality assurance
  Michael Harr (ANTEC) infrared detectors; administration
  Gernot Hartmann (DLR) German Space Agency DLR; programme manager
  Peter Henneberg (ZEISS) cold focal plane unit; optics, straylight
  Edgar Herbst (Dornier) industrial prime contractor; FPU shadow engineering
  Lou Hermans (IMEC) cold readout electronics; project manager
  Ottmar Hertel (ANTEC) infrared detectors; documentation
  Hermann Hohl (ZEISS) cold focal plane unit; production
  Joachim Junghans (ZEISS) cold focal plane unit; electric design, testing
  Hans Köppen (ZEISS) cold focal plane unit; chopper assembly, FPU
  Wolfgang Klück (ANTEC) infrared detectors; C100 assembly
  Axel Koppe (Dornier) industrial prime contractor; detector shadow engineer
  Heribert Krüger (ANTEC) infrared detectors; spectral measurements
  Hansjörg Lehle (ZEISS) cold focal plane unit; electrical assembly manager
  Werner Lenz (Dornier) industrial prime contractor; analogue electronics
  Klaus Lethaus (Dornier) industrial prime contractor; electrical interface engineering
  Reinhard Link (ZEISS) cold focal plane unit; sales manager
  Anne Litzelmann (ZEISS) cold focal plane unit; test engineer
  Reinhard Ludewig (ZEISS) cold focal plane unit; design manager
  Georg Luichtel (ZEISS) cold focal plane unit; quality assurance, testing
  Hans Jürgen Meier (ZEISS) cold focal plane unit; FE analysis
  Klaus Meyer (ANTEC) infrared detectors; S arrays assembly/test
  Roland Müller (Dornier) industrial prime contractor; software
  Manfred Otterbein (DLR) German Space Agency DLR; programme manager
  Reinhold Passenheim (ZEISS) cold focal plane unit; electric design, testing
  Christian Peschel (ZEISS) cold focal plane unit; assembly of wheels FPU
  Klaus Proetel (DLR) German Space Agency DLR; funding manager
  Michael Röser (ANTEC) infrared detectors; C50 assembly
  Rudolf Schlegelmilch (ZEISS) cold focal plane unit; project manager
  Günter Seger (ANTEC) infrared detectors; administration
  Axel W. Sohn (ANTEC) infrared detectors; C100 detector, software
  Götz Thieme (Dornier) industrial prime contractor; software engineering, operations
  Friedrich Trebstein (ZEISS) cold focal plane unit; test engineer
  Michael Trunz (ZEISS) cold focal plane unit; mechanical design
  Jan Vermeiren (IMEC) cold readout electronics; technical project leader
  Berthold Vogt (Dornier) industrial prime contractor; test facilities
  Erhard Wedel (Dornier) industrial prime contractor; electronics coordination, digital electronics
  Hans Willaczek (ZEISS) cold focal plane unit; vibration test
Members of Operations Preparation Teams
  Mauro Casale (ESA) Uplink and satellite systems support
  Carlos Gabriel (ESA) PHT Interactive Analysis (PIA) development
  René Laureijs (ESA) AOT and pipeline processing design, design of calibration meausurements
  Keith Morgan (ESA) Performance Verification Phase timeline planning
  Luciano Orsini (ESA) AOT logic development
  Johannes Riedinger (ESA) Uplink design and development
  Bernhard Schulz (ESA) Calibration Uplink System (CUS) development, calibration meausurements and time line planning
  Julian Sternberg (ESA) Offline Processing Pipeline design and development
  Rob Verschoor (ESA) Pipeline processing development
Members of PHT Instrument Dedicated Team (PIDT)
  José Acosta Pulido (MPIA/IAC) calibration planning and analysis, PIA development
  Michael Braun (MPIA) calibration analysis
  Héctor Castañeda (MPIA/IAC) instrument real time operations, trend analysis
  Linda Cornwall (RAL) RTA/QLA development, data quality control, instrument real time operations
  Carlos Gabriel (ESA) PIA management, development and documentation
  Ingolf Heinrichsen (MPIK) AOT maintenance, OLP scientific validation, PIA development and documentation
  Steffen Huth (MPIA) calibration analysis, data quality control
  Ulrich Kinkel5 (MPIA) calibration planning and analysis
  Ulrich Klaas (MPIA) PIDT leader
  René Laureijs (ESA) calibration coordination, observer support
  Michael Linden-Vørnle (MPIA) calibration analysis
  Thomas Müller (MPIA) calibration planning and analysis
  Guido Pelz (MPIA) instrument real time operations, trend analysis
  Mario Radovich (MPIA) OLP scientific validation
  Pilar Román (ESA) data quality control, calibration analysis
  Bernhard Schulz (ESA) PIDT deputy leader, calibration planning and analysis
Members of PI team
  Peter Ábrahám (MPIA) optimisation of faint source observing strategies, calibration analysis
  Stefan Bogun (MPIA) Serendipity Survey analysis software development and calibration
  Ulrich Grözinger (MPIA) instrument commissioning
  Martin Haas (MPIA) Guaranteed Time programme execution, calibration analysis
  Hannelore Heissler (MPIA) project administration
  Philippe Héraudeau (MPIA) ELAIS survey analysis, calibration analysis
  Edgar Herbst (Dornier) instrument commissioning
  Uwe Herbstmeier (MPIA) data centre build-up, calibration
  Hans Hippelein (MPIA) scientific data analysis
  Thilo Kranz (MPIA) straylight measurement analysis (diploma thesis)
  Harald Krüger (MPIA) Guaranteed Time programme execution, calibration analysis
  Michael Kunkel (MPIA) computer system manager
  Christoph Leinert (MPIA) scientific data analysis
  Dietrich Lemke (MPIA) Principal Investigator ISOPHOT
  Klaus Meisenheimer (MPIA) scientific data analysis
  Thomas Müller (MPIA) asteroids as celestial FIR standard sources (Ph.D. thesis)
  Stephan Nicklas (MPIK) calibration analysis
  Alison Rushworth (MPIA) project secretary, documentation
  Manfred Stickel (MPIA) Serendipity Survey analysis, software development and calibration
  Christian Surace (MPIA) ELAIS survey analysis, calibration analysis
  Clemens Tilgner (MPIA) instrument commissioning
  Victor Tóth (MPIA) Serendipity survey data analysis
Post Operations
Members of National Data Centres
  Peter Ábrahám (MPIA) calibration and scientific data analysis, user support
  José Acosta-Pulido (IAC) calibration analysis
  Immo Appenzeller (MPIA) acting director, management support
  Steven Beckwith (MPIA) director, Guaranteed Time science projects, support of ISOPHOT Data Centre
  Simone Bianchi (MPIA) calibration analysis
  Carlos Del Burgo Díaz (MPIA) calibration analysis
  Martin Haas (MPIA) calibration and scientific data analysis, user support
  Philippe Héraudeau (MPIA) ELAIS survey and calibration analysis
  Stephan Hotzel (MPIA) Serendipity Survey data analysis
  Ulrich Klaas (MPIA) ISOPHOT Data Centre manager, calibration coordinator and offline s/w activities
  Dietrich Lemke (MPIA) ISOPHOT Principal Investigator and Head of ISOPHOT Data Centre
  Huw Morris (RAL) OLP development
  Mario Radovich (MPIA) OLP scientific validation, scientific and calibration analysis
  Phil Richards (RAL) OLP design development and scientific validation
  Hans-Walter Rix (MPIA) director, management support
  Linda Schmidtobreick (MPIA) calibration and scientific data analysis
  Manfred Stickel (MPIA) Serendipity Survey data analysis, scientific data analysis, user support
  Victor Tóth (MPIA) Serendipity Survey data analysis
  Richard Tuffs (MPIK) PIA development
  Helen Walker (RAL) UKIDC user support coordination
  Karsten Wilke (MPIA) OLP scientific validation, scientific and calibration analysis
Members of ISO Data Centre
  Carlos Gabriel (ESA) PIA management, development and documentation
  René Laureijs (ESA) PHT team leader, community support, calibration analysis, handbook documentation
  Thomas Müller (ESA) calibration analysis, handbook documentation
  Sybille Peschke (ESA) community support, calibration analysis
  Pilar Román (ESA) calibration analysis
  Bernhard Schulz (ESA) community support, calibration analysis, handbook documentation

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ISO Handbook Volume IV (PHT), Version 2.0.1, SAI/1999-069/Dc