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H. Acronyms

AAP		  Active Archive Phase
AAR		  Auto-Analysis Results
ADS		  Astrophysics Data System
AGN		  Active Galactic Nuclei 
AMA		  Average Measurement Accuracy 
AOCS		  Attitude and Orbit Control Subsystem 
AOPF		  Augmented Operations Plan File 
AOS		  Acquisition-Of-Signal
AOT		  Astronomical Observation Template 
AOTL		  AOT Logic 
APD		  Absolute Pointing Drift
APE		  Absolute Pointing Error
APF		  Attitude Parameter File
APHSTAR		  ISO operational guide-star list
APPH		  APerture Pointing History
APPM		  Aperture Programmed Pointing History
AST/RO		  Antarctic Submillimeter Telescope and Remote Observatory

BAL		  Broad Absorption Line
BIBIB		  Back Illuminated Blocked Impurity Band (Detector type)
BKRP		  BulK ReProcessing 
BLR		  Broad Line Region

CAL-G		  Calibration General 
CAL-U		  Calibration Uplink
CAM		  The ISO Camera 
CAM-CVF		  CAM Circular Variable Filter
CCD		  Charged Coupled Device
CCS		  Central Command Schedule 
CD-ROM		  Compact Disk - Read-Only Memory 
CEA		  Laboratoire du Commissariat  à l'Energie Atomique (at Saclay)
CEST		  Central European Summer Time
CIA		  CAM Interactive Analysis 
CID		  Charge Injection Device 
CIDT		  CAM Instrument Dedicated Team
CIST		  CAM Instrument Science Team
CMAP		  ISOCAM Celestial IR image
CMOS		  ISOCAM Celestial IR mosaic
CO		  Calibration Observation
COB		  Calibration Observation Batch 
COBE		  COsmic Background Explorer 
COIF		  Calibration Observation Interface File 
COT		  Calibration Observation Template
CPSL		  CAM Point Source List (an AAR product) 
CRE		  Cold Readout Electronics
CRP		  Contingency Recovery Procedure
CSE		  Circumstellar Envelope
CSH		  Compact Status History
CSM		  Circumstellar Medium
CSSP		  ISOCAM Source Spectra
CUS		  Calibration Uplink System 
CVF		  Circular Variable Filter 
CVV		  Cryo Vacuum Vessel

DBOB		  Data Base of Observable Bins
DEC		  Declination
DIDAC		  Dutch ISO Data Analysis Centre (at SRON in the Netherlands)
DIRBE		  Diffuse Infrared Background Explorer (onboard COBE)
DLCM		  Direct Liquid Content Measurement 
DM		  Development Model
D/SCI		  Directorate of Science of ESA
DT		  Discretionary Time
D/TOS		  Directorate of Technical and Operational Support of ESA

ELAIS		  European Large Infrared Area Survey 
ELS		  Earth Limb Sensor
EOH		  Executed Observation History
EOHA		  Executed Observation History per AOT
EOHC		  Continuous Executed Observation History
EOHI		  Executed Observation History per ICS
ERD		  Edited Raw Data 
ESA		  European Space Agency 
ESO		  European Southern Observatory
ESOC		  European Space Operations Centre
ESTEC		  European Space Research and Technology Centre 
EUV		  Extreme Ultraviolet
EXOSAT		  ESA X-Ray Observatory SATellite

FCP		  Flight Control Procedure
FCS		  Fine Calibration Source 
FD		  Flight Dynamics 
FDD		  Flight Dynamics Division
FDS		  Flight Dynamics System
FET		  Field-Effect Transistor
FIR		  Far InfraRed ($>50\,\mu$m)
FITS		  Flexible Image Transport System 
FOV		  Field Of View
FP		  Fabry Pérot 
FPG		  Focal Plane Geometry 
FPL		  Long Wavelength Fabry-Pérot for LWS 
FPS		  Short Wavelength Fabry-Pérot for LWS 
FPU		  Focal Plane Unit
FSS		  Fine Sun Sensor
ftp		  file transfer protocol 
FWHM		  Full Width Half Maximum

GEHK		  General Housekeeping
GIF		  Graphics Interchange Format
GMC		  Giant Molecular Cloud
GOES-9		  Geostationary Operational Enviromental Satellite-9
GSHH		  General Housekeeping (sampled)
GST		  Ground Station Time 
GT		  Guaranteed Time

HEASARC		  High Energy Astrophysics Science Archive Research Center
HH		  Herbig-Haro
HK		  HouseKeeping
HPDP		  Highly Processed Data Product
HST		  Hubble Space Telescope
HTML		  Hyper-Text Mark-up Language
H/W		  Hardware

IA		  Interactive Analysis 
IAS		  Institut d'Astrophysique Spatiale (at Orsay)
ICS		  Instrument Command Sequence
ID		  IDentifier
IDA		  ISO Data Archive 
IDC		  ISO Data Centre 
IDCS		  ISO Dedicated Control System
IDL		  Interactive Data Language 
IDPD		  ISO Data Product Document
IDT		  Instrument Dedicated Team 
IFPG		  ISO Focal Plane Geometry
IIPH		  Instrument Instantaneous Pointing History
ILT		  Instrument Level Tests
IMEC		  Interuniversitary Micro Electronics Center (at Leuven, Belgium)
INTEGRAL	  INTErnational Gamma-Ray Astrophysics Laboratory
IPAC		  Infrared Processing and Analysis Center 
IPC		  Industrial Policy Committee
IRAS		  InfraRed Astronomical Satellite 
IRPH		  Instrument Reference Pointing History 
IRPSS		  ISO Remote Proposal Submission System
IRSA		  NASA/IPAC Infrared Science Archive
IRTS		  Infrared Telescope in Space
ISAP		  ISO Spectroscopic Analysis Package 
ISAS		  Institute of Space and Astronautical Science (of Japan)
ISM		  InterStellar Medium
ISO		  Infrared Space Observatory 
ISOGAL		  ISOCAM survey of the Inner Galaxy
ISOPHOT		  The ISO PHOTo-Polarimeter
ISOSDC		  ISO Spectrometer Data Centre (at MPE-Garching)
ISS		  Integrated Switching System
IST		  ISO Science Team 
ISTR		  ISO Star TRacker
ITK		  Instrument Time Key (=$2^{-14}$ s) 

KAO		  Kuiper Airborne Observatory 

LEOP		  Launch and Early Orbit Phase
LHe		  Liquid Helium 
LIA		  LWS Interactive Analysis
LIDT		  LWS Instrument Dedicated Team
LIST		  LWS Instrument Science Team
LMC		  Large Magellanic Cloud
LOS		  Loss-Of-Signal
LPV		  Long Period Variables
LRS		  Low Resolution Spectrograph (IRAS)
LSAN		  LWS Auto-Analysis results
LWS		  The ISO Long Wavelength Spectrometer 

MAU		  Million Accounting Units
MDB		  Mission Data Base 
MIR		  Mid InfraRed (5 - 50$\mu $m)
MIRS		  Mid-Infrared Spectrometer (on board IRTS)
MISQ		  Misalignment Quaternion
MLI		  Multi-Layer Insulation
MSX		  Midcourse Space Experiment
MPE		  Max-Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics 
MPIA		  Max-Planck Institute for Astronomy 
MPIfR		  Max-Planck Institute for Radioastronomy
MPIK		  Max-Planck Institute for Nuclear Physics
MPP1		  Mission Planning Phase 1 
MPP2		  Mission Planning Phase 2

NASA		  National Aeronautics and Space Administration (of US)
NDC		  National Data Centre 
NED		  NASA/IPAC Extragalactic Database 
NIR		  Near InfraRed ($<5\,\mu$m)

OBDH		  On-Board Data Handling
OCC		  Operations Control Centre (at ESOC)
OCT		  Observatory Command Template
ODS		  Operational Data Server
OLP		  Off-Line Processing 
OPSNET		  Operations Network
OSIA		  Observers SWS Interactive Analysis
OSN		  Observation Sequence Number 
OSS		  Optical Support Structure
OT		  Open Time
OTAC		  Observing Time Allocation Committee
OTF		  On-Target Flag
OTT		  On-Target Time 

PAH		  Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon
PCS		  Permanent Command Sequences
PDEC		  Proposal Data Entry Centre (at ESTEC)
PDR		  Photo-Dissociation Region
PDS		  Product Distribution System 
PFM		  Proto-Flight Model
PFOV		  Pixel Field Of View
PGA		  Proposal Generation Aids 
PH		  Proposal Handling 
PHT-C		  PHT Camera Arrays
PHT-P		  PHT Photopolarimeter 
PHT-S		  PHT Spectrophotometer 
PI		  Principal Investigator 
PIA		  PHT Interactive Analysis 
PIDT		  PHT Instrument Dedicated Team
PN		  Planetary Nebula
POF		  Planned Observation Files
POPS		  Post-Operations (Phase)
PPM		  Programmable Pointing Mode
PPN		  Proto-Planetary Nebula
PSF		  Planning Skeleton File
PSF		  Point Spread Function 
PV		  Performance Verification (Phase)

QC		  Quality Control
QLA		  Quick Look Analysis 
QMW		  Queen Mary and Westfield College (at London)
QSO		  Quasar (Quasi-Stellar Object)
QSS		  Quadrant Star Sensor

RA		  Right Ascension
RAL		  Rutherford Appleton Laboratory 
RAM		  Random Access Memory
RF		  Radio Frequency
RIXOS		  ROSAT Internation X-Ray/Optical Survey
r.m.s.		  root mean squared
ROE		  Royal Observatory of Edinburgh
ROSAT		  Röntgensatellit (German X-Ray space observatory)
RP		  Routine Phase
RPE		  Relative Pointing Error (pointing jitter)
RPID		  Raster Point ID
RPQ		  Raster Point Quaternion
RRP		  Revolution Report
RSRF		  Relative Spectral Response Function
RTA		  Real-Time Technical Assessment 

SAp		  Service d'Astrophysique (at CEA - Saclay)
SAS		  Sun Acquisition Sensor
S/C		  Spacecraft
SCC		  Spacecraft Control Centre 
SCP		  Satellite Commissioning Phase
SCREW		  Software Change Requests and Extra Wishes
SED		  Spectral Energy Distribution
SETI		  Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence
SI		  International System of Units
SIA		  SWS Interactive Analysis 
SIAP		  Simple Image Access Protocol 
SIDT		  SWS Instrument Dedicated Team 
SIMBAD		  Set of Identifications, Measurements And Bibliography for
                  Astronomy Data 
SMC		  Small Magellanic Cloud
S/N		  Signal-to-Noise (ratio)
SNR		  Supernova Remnant
SOC		  Science Operations Centre 
SOST		  Spacecraft Operations Science Team
SOT		  Science Operations Team 
SPC		  Science Programme Committee 
SPEVAL		  Spacecraft Performance EVALuation
SPD		  Standard Processed Data 
SPDT		  Survey Product Display Tool 
SPR		  Software Problem Report
SQL		  Structured/Standard Query Language 
SRON		  Space Research Organisation of the Netherlands 
SSO		  Solar System Object 
STR		  Star TRacker
S/W		  Software
SWS		  The ISO Short Wavelength Spectrometer 

TDATA		  Transparent Data
TDF		  Telemetry Data/Distribution Format
TDT		  Target Dedicated Time
TM		  TeleMetry 
ToO		  Target of Opportunity
TOS		  Technical and Operational Support
TRS		  Thermal Radiation Source
TTP		  Technology Test Phase

UDF		  User Defined Function 
UIR		  Unidentified Infrared Bands
UK		  United Kingdom 
UKIRT		  United Kingdom Infra-Red Telescope (Hawaii)
USA		  United States of America
UTC		  Universal Time (Coordinated) 
UTK		  Uniform Time Key 

VCS		  Vapour-cooled radiation Shields
VILSPA		  Villafranca Satellite Tracking Station in Spain
VLA		  Very Large Array
VO		  Virtual Observatory

WWW		  World Wide Web 

x-axis		  Roll in the S/C control frame
XMM-Newton	  X-ray Multi-Mirror Telescope

y-axis		  Pitch in the S/C control frame
YSO		  Young Stellar Object

z-axis		  Yaw in the S/C control frame
ZIP		  Zodiacal Infrared Project

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ISO Handbook Volume I (GEN), Version 2.0, SAI/2000-035/Dc