Dietmar Kunze
An ISO Spectrometer Data Centre (ISOSDC) has been established at MPE Garching as the German centre for scientific analysis and archiving of ISO SWS and LWS observations. It is part of the network of ESA and national data centres, built up to support the ISO mission and to maximize its overall scientific yield.
Expertise on SWS hardware and software has been accumulated at MPE due to the participation in the Dutch-German consortium that has designed, built and tested SWS. Improvement of SWS data analysis software will be continued during the mission, when MPE supports the SWS Instrument Dedicated Team at VILSPA.
The ISOSDC is designed to support the analysis of guaranteed and open time SWS and LWS observations of the MPE group, collaborators, and German astronomers. A data archive is built up, starting with the MPE Central Programme. In the long term all spectroscopic observations with ISO will be included as soon as they are public.
More information on ISOSDC is provided on the MPE WWW server with URL
Kieron Leech