ISO INFO Newsletters: No. 10-Dec 1996

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World Wide Web and Electronic Access

K. Leech

An upgrade to the contents of our WWW server was completed at the end of November. The science pages were given a new look with the addition of a science results gallery. We hope to update the images presented there approximately every week. We will add specific pages devoted to each instrument in January, containing the latest news, observing strategies (if changed) and documentation. ``'' is the ONLY official WWW repository for all ESA information concerning ISO and should be checked regularly.

Other useful electronic addresses for ISO material include:

tex2html_wrap_inline340 ESTEC has an anonymous ftp server with the address `'. ISO information is held in pub/iso and its subdirectories.

tex2html_wrap_inline340 The French ISO centre has a WWW with the homePage

tex2html_wrap_inline340 SWS has a general SRON homepage, containing ISO information, at

tex2html_wrap_inline340 The ISO Spectrometer Data Centre at MPE Garching has a homepage at

tex2html_wrap_inline340 The ISOPHOT Data Center at MPIA Heidelberg has a homepage at

tex2html_wrap_inline340 IPAC has a HomePage with links to ISO material at URL Their anonymous FTP server,, mirrors in the directory /pub/iso the holdings of /pub/iso on the ESTEC server.

tex2html_wrap_inline340 The Laboratoy of InfraRed Astronomy at ISAS has an ISO page at

Tue Jan 7 17:47:45 MET 1997