Astronomy and Astrophysics Letters dedicated to ISO

LWS observations of the bright rimmed globule IC1396N

P. Saraceno - C. Ceccarelli1 - P. Clegg - C. Correia - A. Di Giorgio - T. Giannini - M. Griffin - D. Lorenzetti - S. Molinari1 - Nguyen-Q-Rieu - B. Nisini - A. Radicchi - L. Spinoglio - E. Tommasi - G.J. White - P.A.R. Ade - P. André - C. Armand - M.J. Barlow - M. Burgdorf - E. Caux - P. Cerulli - J. Fischer - I. Furniss - B. Glencross - C. Gry - K.J. King - T. Lim - R. Liseau - N. Minchin - D. Naylor - D. Texier - R. Orfei - F. Palla - S. Sidher - H.A. Smith - B. Swinyard - N. Trams - S. Unger


We present the first far-infrared spectrum of the IRAS source associated with IC1396N, located in the HII region IC1396 together with submillimeter and millimeter photometry. A rich spectrum of CO, OH, and H2O lines are detected in the ISO-LWS spectrum, indicative of a warm, dense region, probably shock excited, around the source. Among the fine structure lines, [OIII] and [NIII] are also detected and can be explained by the presence of the O6 star HD206267 approximately 16 pc away.

The far infrared and submillimeter spectral energy distribution is fitted with a model assuming spherical grey-bodies with a radial power law of density and temperature. An accurate measure of the bolometric luminosity and an estimate of the total envelope mass are obtained.

Stars: formation - ISM: jets and outflows - ISM: individual objects: IC1396N - Infrared: ISM:lines

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